Lake Tahoe News apologizes for website glitches

To Lake Tahoe News readers,

Tired of being unable to log-on to Lake Tahoe News? That was a rhetorical question. Your frustration is not likely to be greater than ours.

We apologize to everyone for all of the inconveniences in the last few weeks. In our efforts to speed up the site we then made it hit or miss with being able to log-on to the Home page. While other pages were always easily accessible, the Home page hasn’t always been.

Having a growing business is a good thing, but when the pain of it is felt by our loyal readers, well, that’s just not acceptable.

We could get into the minutia of detail about how all this IT stuff works, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is that Lake Tahoe News is there — every page — when you want it. To achieve this, we are doing some heavy lifting this afternoon that will take several hours. If you don’t see any new stories after this one for several hours — even well into Friday — don’t be alarmed.

Thank you for your loyalty to Lake Tahoe News.

Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher