No scarcity in visitors to Lakeview Commons

With no fanfare, Lakeview Commons at El Dorado Beach is open. And based on the number of people frolicking along the expansive walkway and terraced seating during the holiday weekend, its popularity has not diminished. With the major face lift, it is likely to be even more popular than year’s past.

Gone are the fences, construction crews and machines needed to complete the multimillion dollar project in South Lake Tahoe.

Lakeview Commons in South Lake Tahoe is open. Photos/Kathryn Reed

The City Council will tour the area as part of the afternoon session of the Jan. 3 meeting.

Work continues on the boathouse, though that should be open in the summer. A fence does separate the beach and water, but that, too, will be gone by the time people want to venture into the lake.

— Kathryn Reed

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