Poll: Majority of California voters support Occupy movement philosophy


Publisher’s note: Occupy South Lake Tahoe canceled the Dec. 1 event at the Y because of the weather. Organizers will congregate Dec. 8 from noon-4pm at Heavenly Village.

By Kevin Yamamura, Sacramento Bee

Nearly three-fifths of California voters agree with the sentiment driving the Occupy movement, though voters split when asked whether they identify with protesters, according to a Field Poll released Monday.

The statewide survey found that 58 percent agree with the reason behind Occupy demonstrations in cities and on college campuses.

But 49 percent said they don’t identify much with Occupy protesters, compared with 46 percent who said they identify some or a lot.

“The second question is much more of a personal one, as in, ‘Would you go out into the streets if things got bad, if push came to shove?’ ” said Field Poll Director Mark DiCamillo. “The first question is broader: ‘Where are your heartstrings?’ ”

Nearly nine in 10 “strongly liberal” voters said they agree with the Occupy sentiment, compared to 66 percent of “strongly conservative” voters who said they disagree.

While the Occupy movement tilts left, nearly one-third of Republicans said they agree with the reason behind it, as did 62 percent of nonpartisan voters.

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Comments (12)
  1. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: December 2, 2011

    I agree with idea of gathering, and speaking out about how corrupt things have become in OUR government, and demanding that things be changed.

    What I don’t see as a necessity, nor positive is campouts, I don’t think protestors have to stay at a demonstration 24 hours a day to get there point across, this brings a negative view and discredits the movement. Makes people who live or work near these encampments irritated with the movement (wouldn’t you be?). Also looks like it really is a lot of wear and tear on a particular area that was not designed for camping.

    Keep the organized protests up, let the powers that be,know that we are not going anywhere, definitely not going back to sleep, but phase out the overnight accommodations.

    You still could have some big main tents for a headquarters, and have security guard them overnight, but no sleeping/overnight accommodations.

    Stay in a motel/hostel nearby, if it’s really imperative that you get to the protest bright and early.

  2. Boone says - Posted: December 2, 2011

    I also agree with American’s speaking out and having the ability to protest.

    Having said that, to this day I remain confused as to what this group actually stands for. It seems to me these protests are better served on the lawn of the White House not in our business communities where businesses are struggling to keep their doors open as it is while they fight to stay alive in this horrible economy. These folks seem to be blaming businesses who are the vary ones who provide employment for the people rather than blaming the shameful actions or inactions of the law makers in Washington.

    My two cents-

  3. I' m a prisoner caught in a cross fire says - Posted: December 2, 2011

    Virtue is in the eyes, minds, of the beholder.

    All I See above is business’s worrying about themselves as usual.

    It’s more the phosphors angel on all the zealots controlling the world’s currency and the 1% screwing the other 99%.
    There’s only one “King of King’s and it’s in people true Hearts, Mercy, not the World Banks!

    If they want camp like Indians, it shouldn’t be a problem with anyone as long as it’s peaceful, chem. toilets are clean, and the good loving can manage to lower THE VOLUME of being satisfied in their tee-pees late at night, early morning warm up for the day’s activities.
    Belief it or not there’s more life than internet, TV, FAMILY LIFE.
    (IT’S A ENOCMIC WORLD LOVE IN for fairness)
    It’s a experience not many will know unless you join, share, open up to what’s really real in all peoples inner needs.
    This is not a fiction story tell, it’s real people finally getting up trying to do something that will awaken the government’s that don’t get anything done anyway. War as usual gets kind of old.

    Too many Americans (other nation peoples) are sleeping like this year in and year out, in cheap motels, old buses, anywhere someone will be kind enough for them to survive one more cold night on earth.
    It’s a Real reality a lot people don’t want admit or do they want try understand or even take time out their own good life’s to measure the wrongs being done to so many good people around the globe, it’s not just here, it’s a global problem.
    There’s no reason for pepper spraying, tasering, human beating, they so love to do in the name of Authority!

  4. fireman says - Posted: December 4, 2011

    I just wonder what the group wants as the end result of this. I have heard lots of different things regarding the ultimate goal. I tend to feel this movement is more of an entitlement movement. I only come to this conclusion from the interviews i have heard on local and national media. I was tought when things get tough to work harder and you might have to do some stuff you dont really enjoy. This has kept me going through this tough time and my family fed and warm. Businesses are about making profits for the stock holders. If they dont make money there will be no more business. This will make more poverty right?? I know there are adds in the local papers for jobs. But i dont know if this movement is about jobs. Is the movement about people making more money than others?? some clarity would be greatly appreciated. I dont know what percent I am in.

  5. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: December 4, 2011

    I read an article that said the movement is different things, to different people. Originally it was about the whole financial system bringing down our economy with their poor business practices, reaping all the rewards, and not being punished.

    To me, it’s the fight of the middle class, who are busting their butts to stay within the middle class, while the rich rig the whole system in their favor. They OWN this country! and are able to even sway the people to vote their way, or “You won’t have a job”, give all the perks to the rich, or you’re really going to hurt. I don’t buy it!

    The power needs to go back to the people, we need to clean out the corrupt politicians, remind the good ones that they work for us, and clean up the laws favoring the rich and subsidizing corporations.

    We at least use to seem to be a highly moral country, now, so many come across, as so dishonest, it almost seems like the norm. When did it become acceptable to do the wrong thing? To lie cheat and steal is ok to make it through life? To pay no mind to others, as you walk across their backs to get ahead?

    More and more keeps coming out about how crooked our government/politicians really is/are, how did we not see this until now?

    I always knew there was corruption in government, but what’s coming out now is way more than I ever thought. I actually thought some of the politicians were “good guys”, now, I don’t know if there is even one that is good.

  6. Ernie Claudio says - Posted: December 4, 2011

    Occupy Goals:

    1. More jobs.  
    2. More health care.  
    3. Fix the political process.  
    4. Remove corporations from the government.  
    5. Remove the political influence of the wealthy.  
    6. Punish the criminals who caused the Wall Street crash.  
    7. More regulations for the banks
    8. More regulations for the market.
    9. Tax the wealthy and use the money for education.  
    10. Free speech without fear of penalty
    11. Stop making wars and focus on peace.  
    12. Reduce College Fees

  7. dogwoman says - Posted: December 4, 2011

    Ernie, if that’s what Occupy’s goals are, they surely aren’t going about it the right way.
    Many of those things we already have, some won’t help, and as to others, well, remember, TANSTAAFL. SOMEONE has to pay for everything.

  8. the conservation robot says - Posted: December 5, 2011

    “Many of those things we already have”
    Really? Which ones?

  9. the conservation robot says - Posted: December 5, 2011

    PS: They never protested Raleys

  10. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: December 5, 2011

    I agree with every goal.

  11. Ernie Claudio says - Posted: December 5, 2011

    We are the 99 percent.
    We are getting kicked out of our homes.
    We are forced to choose between groceries and rent.
    We are denied quality medical care.
    We are suffering from environmental pollution.
    We are working long hours for little pay and no rights, if we’re working at all.
    We are getting nothing while the other 1 percent is getting everything. We are the 99 percent.