Snippets about Lake Tahoe
• Placer County is seeking applications from residents interested in serving as the county representative on the Placer Mosquito & Vector Control District’s Board of Trustees. For application forms or more information, call (530) 889. 4020 or go online. When the webpage appears, hit the “Apply to serve on a Committee or Commission” link under the “Quick Links” section at the right side of the page.
• Incline Village General Improvement District Chairman Ted Fuller faces legal consequences if the state Attorney General’s Office finds him in violation of the state open meeting law again. Senior Deputy Attorney General George Taylor said cutting off two public speakers – once on July 27 and the other time Aug. 10 – was in violation of the individuals’ right to speak based on the opening meeting law.
• “Top Chef Masters” finalist Traci Des Jardins will host a special four-course tasting at her Manzanita restaurant inside the Ritz-Carlton, Northstar on Dec. 10, 5-10pm.
• Justice of the Peace Tom Perkins will seek election to a full term as justice of the peace for East Fork Township. Perkins was appointed in 2010. The East Fork Township includes all of Douglas County except Lake Tahoe.