Tahoe Vista land restoration, bike trail project proceeds

Acquiring an easement from the California Tahoe Conservancy is allowing Placer County to accept a $1 million grant from the state Natural Resources Agency to restore wetland and riparian habitat.

Had the CTC not taken action this month, the grant would have been void in January.

The county wants to clean up the former concrete batch plant in Tahoe Vista. The plant provided material to pave Highway 267. Lisa O’Daly, CTC environmental planner, told the board Dec. 16 that fill on the south end of the property is between 4 inches and 4 feet thick.

The Conservancy’s interest in granting the easement is the project restores a stream environmental zone and increases public recreation via bike trails.

Board Chairman Larry Sevison abstained from the vote because he owns property in the area. Members John Hooper and Angela Swanson were not at the meeting. The remaining board members voted to approve the easement.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report