Embracing the Year of the Dragon
By Eileen Wacker
Many predict 2012 to be a dynamic, innovative year. Individuals are encouraged to make bold moves and leave humble behind. Across Asia, artificial insemination has been on the rise since May. In Taiwan, a 20 percent increase in births is expected this year. In Korea and China, people are planning weddings and having babies. Supposedly dragons are the luckiest and wealthiest people and everyone wants in on the dragon’s legendary rewards.
Many millions of households are busily preparing for the New Year. In Japan, China, Korea and other Asian countries, houses are being swept clean. Windows are opened to let in good luck and flush out stuck energy. Special flowers are placed carefully to invite and impress good luck and opportunity. This happens every year to get ready for Lunar or Chinese New Year. But this year is very special. Today, half the globe will celebrate and welcome the Year of the Dragon. The dragon is the luckiest and most powerful sign.
The dragon is the only sign in the Asian zodiac that is mystical; the others are all real animals — the rat, dog, pig, horse, tiger, snake, monkey, rabbit, ox, chicken and sheep. Asian dragons are benevolent, charismatic and powerful. They are known for their sincerity and trusting natures. They are often free spirits who are passionate, creative and self-centered. In China, Japan and Korea, throughout time many believed the emperors had descended from dragons.
The power of the dragon is undisputed in Asia and its image is pervasive. Bruce Lee’s stage name was Li Xiaolong or little dragon. In Japan, one often sees the seahorse, which is a baby dragon, as well as dragon emblems everywhere. And the dragon is the symbol of the emperor in China and Korea. Dragons are beloved and admired across Asia and this year there will be massive celebrations.
If nearly half of the globe’s population believes in and will celebrate this phenomenon, should the average person try to win the attention and empathy of the Black Water Dragon?
Five ways to embrace the energy of the dragon, just in case…
1) Seriously de-clutter your home or a part of your home like your office. You need to make room for good fortune to settle. The extra space will become filled with new, exciting things. If you can find a sweet pea plant, put it out prominently or by a door or window. This is the favorite flower of the dragon.
2) No matter how cold, open your windows for a period of time each day throughout this year. The stale air of the past will exit and new opportunities will be swept in. On New Year’s night, if you are awake at midnight, open every door and window briefly.
3) Black is back as “the new black.” The Dragon loves black this year and feel free to accessorize with bright colors. The dragon loves extravagance. Take a walk today in your black outfit, accessorized with bold colors and breath fresh air.
4) Today, share a meal with someone and talk only about the future and its possibilities. This is a year for innovation and big projects. Do not talk about the past at all. For your meal today, eat at a table adorned with lit candles. The food should be well spiced and if possible include seafood and pumpkin.
5) Give a gift. The dragon can be self-centered and impetuous but it is also very generous and benevolent. Give small gifts to people (love is a gift) and it will be returned in some form with greater richness. Since it is a water dragon, some gift ideas are — a dragon pen, dragon cup, game or anything to do with water. Little pouches with small money are also lucky for children. These gifts bring luck to the recipient as well as the giver. Donate items as you de-clutter; these are gifts to others as well.
Do not confuse the dinosaur with the dragon. Dinosaurs are negative, where dragons are wealthy, lucky and smart.
Eileen Wacker lives in Honolulu with her husband and four children. She is the author of the new children’s book “Black Tortoise Samurai and the Dynasty Dragon” (February 2012), the fifth installment of the award winning Fujimini Adventure Series.