Lahontan wants to hear from people about fuels reduction project

Lahontan Regional Water Quality Board is taking comments on the waste discharge requirements, and monitoring and reporting program for the South Shore Fuel Reduction and Healthy Forest Restoration Project until Feb. 27.

The U.S. Forest Supervisor has signed-off on the project that is expected to take eight years to complete. The last hurdle to go forward is the Lahontan permit. If that is secured in April, work would begin when weather/soil conditions are ideal.

The Lahontan board is expected to vote on the permit at the April 11 7pm meeting in South Lake Tahoe. Location of the meeting has not been set.

The U.S. Forest Service project is designed to thin 10,000 acres on the South Shore. Lahontan is involved because of work in stream environmental zones.

The documents are available on the water board’s website.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report