Movie delves into how media portrays women


Following its premiere at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival, the documentary feature film “Miss Representation” will be screened at the Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation Queen of Heart’s lunch Feb. 15 at the Resort at Squaw Creek in Olympic Valley.

Written and directed by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, “Miss Representation” exposes how mainstream media contribute to the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America. The film challenges the media’s limited and often disparaging portrayals of women and girls, which make it difficult for women to achieve leadership positions and for the average woman to feel powerful herself.

“Miss Representation” includes stories from teenage girls and interviews with politicians, journalists, entertainers, activists and academics like Condoleezza Rice, Lisa Ling, Nancy Pelosi, Katie Couric, Rachel Maddow, Rosario Dawson, Jackson Katz, Jean Kilbourne, and Gloria Steinem.

While women have made strides in leadership over the past few decades, the U.S. is 90th in the world in terms of women in national legislatures and women hold only 3 percent of clout positions in mainstream media.

The distribution of the film “Miss Representation” will coincide with a social action campaign led by The campaign seeks to empower women and girls to challenge limiting labels in order to fully realize their potential, and ultimately transform our culture for the betterment of all. A portion of the film proceeds will be donated to women’s leadership initiatives led by partnership beneficiaries that include Girls for A Change, Girls Inc., The International Museum of Women, Step Up Women’s Network, The Women’s Media Center, and The White House Project.

For more information about the Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation Queen of Hearts Luncheon and the screening of “Miss Representation”, contact Cathy Dangler at or call (415) 317.7705.



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Comments (22)
  1. Joe Stirumup says - Posted: January 8, 2012

    …as society crumbles women still win the whine game.

    Few questions for all the down trodden women….

    What is the ratio of males to females in college today?

    How many Tahoe non profit agencies are run by women?

    What is the ratio of small businesses owned by women compared to men? Who gets the most tax payer funds?

    I am tired of the divisive women and the limeralism they have brought on the country, the collapsing county.

    As American society crumbles the world is becoming a more dangerous place.

    Limbaugh is right on with the Feminazi analogy as well as the New Castrata definition.

    The crumbling education system is also dominated by women.

    As went Rome so goes America.

  2. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 8, 2012

    Tahoe Non profits and local business groups, which control and are responsible for the Tahoe mess are almost all run by women and they are paid very well, almost as well as government employees. Yet to many observers it is these agencies that are at the root of Tahoe’s economic problems.
    TRPA – Run by a woman
    NLTRA – Run by a woman
    LTVA – Run by a woman
    Chamber of Commerce south shore – Run by a woman
    North shore chamber of Commerce – run by a woman
    El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce, Run by a woman and entire staff is female.
    Placer County Chamber of Commerce – run by ???
    Tahoe Tribune – run by a woman
    Sierra Sun – owned by women
    Bonanza – owned by women
    When you consider how poor the Tahoe Economy has become over the past few “Enlightened” decades and you look at the FACTS of who runs the cronified Lake Tahoe economic disaster, you have to ask yourself, are women responsible for the decline?

  3. Carl Ribaudo says - Posted: January 8, 2012

    This is the most pathetic analysis for Tahoe’s problem I have ever seen.

  4. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 8, 2012


    It is clearly stated as a question. Perhaps it’s your reading that is pathetic.

    As for the stated facts – which ones are wrong?

    The facts indicate that the QUESTION ribaudo is clearly appropriate.

    Regardless of what you have to say.

  5. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 8, 2012

    Are you the same Ribaudo that has helped with all the terrible marketing that the south shore has done over the past 10 years or so?

    The south shore has driven itself into the ground, myopic economy on the brink of collapse.

    Talk about pathetic.

  6. dumbfounded says - Posted: January 8, 2012

    This is just another example of the America that is full of special interest victims that need special treatment. The whole thing about America is that there should be NO special interest, no gender, no race, no victims and equality that is earned. The victims have brought our country to it’s knees. This is out of control, IMHO.

  7. Joe Stirumup says - Posted: January 8, 2012


    Bulls eye.

  8. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: January 8, 2012

    Wow!!! Hate women much? From some of the comments here I guess some of you do. Reminds me of an old 3 Stooges film called “The Woman Haters Club”.

    I for one, am not a misogynist. With some people it’s all about blaming others for our faltering economy. Be it the poor, minorities,liberals, retired workers collecting their hard earned pensions, old folks on social security and medicare, other countries policies… and now women???

    Who started all these pointless wars? Who collapsed the economy and then bailed out the crooks who stole trillions from us? It wasn’t the ladies, that’s for sure.

    (Warning: sarcasm ahead)Yes, after all look how well things have turned out with white conservative males running things.

    Take care, Old Long Skiis

  9. the conservation robot says - Posted: January 8, 2012

    “The victims have brought our country to it’s knees. This is out of control,”
    This is pure delusion.
    I thought it was the failure of the banking system, the emerging powers like China, fighting two expensive wars, etc that were bringing us down.
    But you blame minorities…

  10. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 8, 2012

    conservative robot,

    you don’t read very well do you?

    Perhaps you too are a victim of the California eduction system …

    FYI – the liberals in the congress i.e. Chris Dodd, Barny Frank and a couple of Presidents i.e. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton – and the banking regulators basically forced the lending system to loan to the victims” that couldn’t afford homes” to give them mortgages.

    Have you ever heard of the Community reinvestment act?

    Ahh, it’s probably over your head.

    PEOPLE NEED TO LEARN MORE THAN JUST SPOUTIN the liberal talking points.

  11. John says - Posted: January 8, 2012

    Pubworks, dont pretend you understand the causes of the financial meltdown. You dont. There were at least a dozen causes, most having nothing to do with any political party that lead to the collapse of financial system. And I am equally sure you could not give a one sentence definition of a derivative or why they exist. I am sure someone is going to get on here and claim it was Bush’s fault. That is equally wrong. But I know you dont have a clue what you are spouting off about.

  12. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 8, 2012

    John, Don’t put your limitations on me or others! YOU ARE WRONG, IT IS POLITICAL.

    I don’t pretend to know …at least the foundation of it. In fact I predict it in writing, years in advance while I was a member of QWAFAFEW in Manhattan.

    Many people have predicted our current situation over the preceding years, as has history!

    Yes it is true, there are many causes but they all have a common link.

    Progressive liberalism.

    Both parties have progressives in their mits but the democrats are by far the most culpable.

    I give people that predicted and projected the situation far more cred than I do people who had their heads in the sand.

    Do you know where your head has been?

  13. dogwoman says - Posted: January 8, 2012

    I have to agree that most of the people claiming victimhood today are victims by their own choosing. In this great country, anyone can do anything they set their minds to. Dirt poor people become rich here all the time. Even if one remains economically poor, happiness is a choice, not a result of circumstance. We here in America are the luckiest people in the world and we need to stop whining about everything.

  14. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: January 8, 2012

    I was at the shooting range the other day and someone said to me that I should have a target of Obama, I thought no it should be Bush.

    Old Carl Ribaudo knows the truth about why our town is in the dump’s maybe if
    you went to his office and asked him he would tell you,thats what I did and he told me.

  15. the conservation robot says - Posted: January 9, 2012

    No pubworks, I was never educated in California.

    You started it so… here it goes.
    “Both parties have progressives in their mits”
    The colloquialism is ‘in their mists’.
    I reckon my GRE scores are higher than yours. 1/3 of that is reading comprehension and 1/3 is verbal reasoning.

    “Dirt poor people become rich here all the time.”
    Really? The exception proves the rule? That is illogical. Most dirt poor people, stay poor because poverty is systemic. In reality, currently, most regular poor people are becoming dirt poor. And the somewhat wealthy are becoming more wealthy.
    You are being lied to. Snap out of it.

  16. It had to be said says - Posted: January 9, 2012

    “In their midst…”


    A Woman

  17. dogwoman says - Posted: January 9, 2012

    But here in America it’s so much easier to step out of one’s social class than it is anywhere else in the world. Fact. Here you can choose. Most places you’re stuck.

  18. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 9, 2012


    WOW, you are so impressed with yourself.

    Which is good, because I am sure few others are.

    Who cares what your GRE scores are … you are still stuck with being YOU. That’s the important part.

    A great example of what types of people are going to be left in CA as it crashes and all you self impressed liberals will say

    dah – witch way did they go ???

    For the rest of you think about it, CA is not getting better, it’s going to get worse, for decades.

    Best to leave now and come back when it’s collapsed.

  19. the conservation robot says - Posted: January 9, 2012

    *midsts was an honest typo

  20. Honkylonk says - Posted: January 9, 2012


    Ironic, huh? While demonstrating your usual supercilious nature, and in typical snotty liberal fashion, you chastise another poster for a typo… whilst employing one of your own.

    Can we all agree an typo amnesty? After all, we should be debating ideas and principles, not spelling and punctuation. If a post is so badly garbled you cannot even make out what the point is, then a request for clarification might be in order… or perhaps you should just ignore it.

  21. Alex Campbell says - Posted: January 9, 2012

    A former female editor of the Tahoe Trib factualy exposed city hall and a former female mayor. All she received was abuse and a lot of grief,from the all male Republican machine.

  22. Julie Threewit says - Posted: January 10, 2012

    How many of the folks who posted here are single males too afraid to use their real names? It’s just a question.