Opinion: Roots of Republican Party crack-up


By Robert Reich

With the Iowa caucuses just days away, the Republican crack-up threatens the future of the Grand Old Party more profoundly than at any other time since the GOP’s eclipse in 1932. That’s bad for America.

The crack-up isn’t just Romney-the-smooth versus Gingrich-the-bomb-thrower. Not just House Speaker John Boehner, who keeps making agreements he can’t keep, versus House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, who keeps making trouble he can’t control. And not just the GOP establishment versus the Tea Partiers.

The underlying conflict lies deep in the nature and structure of the Republican Party. And its roots are very old.

As political analyst Michael Lind has noted, today’s Tea Party is less an ideological movement than the latest incarnation of an angry white minority – predominantly Southern, mainly rural, largely male – that has repeatedly attacked American democracy in order to get its way.

It’s no coincidence that the states responsible for putting the most Tea Party representatives in the House are all former members of the Confederacy. Others are from border states with significant Southern populations and Southern ties.

This “no-compromise” right wing of today’s GOP isn’t much different from the evangelical social conservatives who began asserting themselves in the party during the 1990s, and, before them, the “Willie Horton” conservatives of the 1980s, and, before them, Richard Nixon’s “silent majority.”

Robert Reich Robert Reich, former U.S. secretary of labor, is professor of public policy at UC Berkeley and the author of “Aftershock: The Next Economy and America’s Future.”

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This article was written by admin


Comments (46)
  1. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    Considering all the damage Obama and liberals like Reich have done to this country it is hard to admire a publication (or advertisers in a publication) that would keep bringing up liberal articles from a leftist incompetent like Reich pointing to it being the republicans that are the problem.

    The Obama administration has seized more of your freedom, spent more of your nations future income and burdened the future generations more than all the presidents before him – combined.

    Will America Survive?

  2. Bob says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    The Republicans and Democrats both cater to Corporations – not the People. That’s fascism my friends.

  3. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    I agree to a limited extent with Bob.

    But to be honest you must agree the conservatives keep working to clean house and progressive liberals keep steeling from the people.

    On top of that the degree of negative impact on our freedoms from the left is far more than the impact from right.

    The Liberal’s candidate Obama has done more damage to America’s Constitution than any president certainly in modern history. Likely to be all time.

  4. earl zitts says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    PubworksTV couldn’t be, unfortunately, more correct. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. These devils with a halo will not be happy until a semi-totalitarian, socialist country emerges. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the government care for you from cradle to grave? You just have to give up your freedom and free will. No big deal.
    And for you Tahoe folks, if it brings in money go for it. Noise, disruption, loss of hearing, who cares, we’re making
    money. Hooray!

  5. Boone says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    I am about as interested in what a Berkley professor has to say as I am in listening to the current occupant of the White House. Both have never held a real job, both are radical in their positions and both think America is just another country. If that makes me one of his reported angry white guys so be it but know this, this angry white guy holds a real job, provides real jobs to American’s who actually desire to work and not ride the welfare state that this writer and his leader have made so easy for millions to do these days, at at my and millions of other working classes expense. Go preach your ilk somewhere else professor.

  6. SmedleyButler says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    The “santorum” really flies when the FoxBots are activated. The thinly veiled bigotry, ignorance and inability to face the failure of 30 yrs. of reaganomics is just too much for them. They just can’t wait to vote in more misery and they have such a wonderful selection of candidates to choose from. Good luck with those clowns. Losers.

  7. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    I agree with Bob, keep focused on what both parties are really doing, they keep the infighting up, so we don’t notice what they are really up to!

  8. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    After reading Smedley I wonder if there will be any intelligent responses from the left.

  9. dogwoman says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    Why, Smugley Butler, do you libs ALWAYS call “bigotry” when conservatives disagree with you? Give us some proof, not wild accusations. That tactic has become ridiculous and tiresome.

  10. SmedleyButler says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    google gop bigotry and take your pick…. then google santorum and you’ll see what I really think of the teapublicans.

  11. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    For all those outraged by the bigotry and vial accusations of Smedley – I did google the gop and found lots of articles of left wing bigots calling the gop the bigots.

    For a thinking mind it is obvious who the bigots are – the ones throwing out the race card all the time – the LEFT.

    Brains – there a terrible thing to lose….

    If you still got’em use um.

    Smedley is a lost cause. Move on.

  12. Miss Tahoe says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    You can educate yourself to death and be the most informed person in the room…but without the tiniest bit of common sense, your are a danger to society. Outspoken, over educated lefties are exactly that and their kingdom is made up of those who are poorly educated and cannot think for themselves.

  13. Alex Campbell says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    Patriotic Or Repubtriotic comments still going around. Obama is a communist;he’s a fascist;he’s a foreigner;he’s not in the country;he’s a Marxist;Fox Fool Hannity reported Obama is “arrogant” and “dishonest” and”Radical” Then Limbaughs famous quote “We are being told that we have to hope Obama succeeds, that we have to bend over,grab the ankles because his father was black.”—- then Obama is a Nazi He’s Hitler.Birthers Birther–Obama care is not legal–he’s for abortion he’s gonna take our guns away-Gays in the military.Omg he has a white mother-who cares if his grandfather served during WW2-Mitch McConnell we will make him fail. Boehner No, No, Hell No-Cantor proudly holding a USA Stimulus Check for his home state that he voted against.Last but not least all the bad bad taxes he will increase on yall rich folks stated by the Repubtriotic’s running for President and Fox day in day out. Enjoy Repubtriotic’s

  14. John says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    And then there are those of us in the middle who just wish both parties could compromise and get some work done.

  15. dogwoman says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    Gosh, Alex, I read your whole rant and most of it you MADE UP! Classic leftist tactic, claim you’re quoting someone and make crap up. I am calling you a LIAR.

  16. SmedleyButler says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    Name one lie.

  17. dogwoman says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    “Then Limbaughs famous quote “We are being told that we have to hope Obama succeeds, that we have to bend over,grab the ankles because his father was black.”—”

    Total fabrication.

  18. SmedleyButler says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    Dogwoman, youtube even has video if you can stomach that. youtube/ limbaugh grab ankles will get you there

  19. earl zitts says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    I just wonder if SnowGlobe pushed some of our citizens over the edge.
    Extremely load noise has been known to disrupt neuronal activity in the cerebral cortex. Sort of cause and effect.

  20. SmedleyButler says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    Extreme abuse of oxycontin deafened limbaugh and yes he is “Extremely pantload noise”

  21. the conservation robot says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    Smedley, I just learned about the origin of your name a few weeks ago. Interesting stuff.
    And, you are right. Rush Limbuagh said that. Thanks.

    Dogwoman, Alex is not a liar. That is a pretty big charge against someone, did you care to look for the truth before you said that? No. It took me 30 seconds to find it.
    Here it is, on your favorite ‘news’ channel:
    @46 second he says it, verbatim.


    One day you will see that the people who tell you what to think are actually the ones telling you lies.

  22. dogwoman says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    I stand corrected. I had heard Limbaugh’s original comment about wanting Obama to fail, and I thought Alex was referencing that. I hadn’t heard this interview with Hannity. But I still think the context is being twisted. He appears to be suggesting that Obama’s ethnic background is being used against anyone who disagrees with Obama’s policy. Which is what happens. I know that anybody who protests what Obama, or his attorney general, for that matter, is generally accused of racism rather than philosophical difference. I hate what both those men are doing to our country, but it has nothing to do with their race, aside from the fact that I believe they both USE their race to their own benefit.
    Just my opinion.
    There is no delete key on this column, so I can’t delete my accusation against Alex, but my opinion hasn’t changed. The left has a great talent for spin and obfuscation.

  23. SmedleyButler says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    That claptrap is pathetic denial of facts. I expected no less.

  24. earl zitts says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    Folks, “bend over and grab your ankles” is a figure of speech. Here is an example of how to use it: You live within two miles of LTCC and someone tells you that a concert will happen three nights in a row, ending around midnight or one o’clock am and if you might hear anything you’ll love the music. Thats when you know to “bend over and grab your ankles.”
    And yes certain so-called minority groups tend to get political passes.

  25. dumbfounded says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    And everyone seems to be a member of some, poor, persecuted minority. Everyone…

  26. the conservation robot says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    “Folks, “bend over and grab your ankles” is a figure of speech.”
    Actually, it is rape imagery. And in the context of what Rush said, there is the history of black men being wrongfully accused of raping white women. It still happens. Which makes his quote even more disgusting. It is beyond hyperbole to invoke rape imagery in this case. Look at the structure of the sentence… rape imagery -> black.

    “The left has a great talent for spin and obfuscation.”
    And right wing conservatives such as yourself have a ‘fact problem’. As in, you do not care for them nor care to find them. Cognitive dissonance is rampant.
    Both sides spin, to claim that one is better at it or does it more (I would argue that the right does it better because more GOP congressmen deny evolution, again, when faced with a lot of facts), is ignorant.
    Rush said that quote.
    Bill O asks ‘tide goes in tide goes out, you can’t explain that’
    Santorum wants to ban porn and compares homosexuals to people who have sex with dogs.
    Bachman is a complete psycho, with a husband who is a total closet case.
    All of those people have serious reality problems.

  27. the conservation robot says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    “And everyone seems to be a member of some, poor, persecuted minority. Everyone…”
    How can everyone be part of a minority?
    Again, a fact/reality/logic problem

  28. Alex Campbell says - Posted: January 6, 2012

    Dog Womwn!A majority of my comments were gleaned from the “Devil’s Advocate Division,located in Washington D.C.
    The Devil’s Advocate is Norman Kelley.
    Mr.Kelley is an independment journalist,author and former segment producer at WBAI 99.5 FM. I won’t bore you with his total resume. I found that Mr. Kelly published a piece on…Dogwomman enough said! Please give up your name. Oh yes Norman Kelley is Black Irish, not Shanty or Bog Irish.

  29. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 6, 2012


    It is interesting how A. Campbell admits above that he gets his points of view from others.

    You I can tell have your own brain and think for yourself.

  30. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 6, 2012

    California, NY and NJ and are three states run by liberal democrats. They are ranked as the least free states in the country and the most financially unstable.

    As with simple-minded democrats, the liberals in these states all blame republicans and the ignorant sheep just ignore reality and believe the lefts lies.

    The facts are in, it’s the leftist extremists that are running these failed states into the ground and now with Obama and the leftist extremists in congress they are indeed running America into the ground too. Obama is the worst, most divisive, president in modern times, NO INFORMED, HONEST PERSON CAN ARGUE THAT WHAT HE’S DONE TO AMERICA IS GOOD. WHAT HE’S DONE IS TERRIBLE AND EVERYONE WITH A BRAIN KNOWS IT!

    Ignore and shun the ignorant leftist Sheeple. Use your brains, get informed.

    Stop believing the lies of the leftists.

  31. Simiseer says - Posted: January 6, 2012

    A Congressional Parable

    Don Rodrigo adjusted the chin strap on his riding hat as one of his many peons saddled Paco his golden palomino. Paco’s coat shone in the sun like a newly minted gold coin. Gracefully Don Rodrigo mounted Paco and commenced his inspection of his vast rancho. The day was magnificent, Don Rodrigo lit a cigaro and reflected on his satisfaction with his rich and well ordered estate. As he left the ranch house Don Rodrigo passed the hovels where some of his peons resided. Seeing Juan, a retainer who had spent his whole life in service to the Don as he built this large and successful rancho, he paused. “Juan” he called down from the back of his horse. Juan removed his straw sombrero and with eyes down cast he responded “Si Patron”. “Last week you risked your life to protect my daughter when the big red bull broke out of the corral.” “Si Patron” Juan responded shuffling his bare feet in the dusty yellow clay of the rancho, never raising his eyes. “What can I do to show my appreciation” said the Don as he swatted at a fly with his riding whip. Juan nervously fingered the brim of his hat and without looking the Don in the eye said, “Patron I am growing old, if I could have a couple of acres of my own for my family”. Don Rodrigo contemplated for a brief moment then gracefully dismounted Paco and approaching Juan kicked him squarely in his testies. As Juan wreathed and moaned in the dust, Don Rodrigo gracefully remounted Paco and said “There’s a couple of achers for you Juan” And rode off to enjoy his well ordered estate.



  32. Joe Stirumup says - Posted: January 7, 2012

    Why does this publication sellect such liberally biased articles accusing/ impling republicans of causing all the problems?

    Liberal Democrats control California and most of the country and are responsible for the decay of our society.

    Obama has done more damage to America then the moral collapse brought on by Bill Clinton.

    Yet the democrats continue to blame the republicans and biased news groups continue to go along with the lies.

    You lose respect with unballanced articles like this. It’s not honorable.

  33. tahoegal says - Posted: January 7, 2012

    The GOP is doing a great job of defeating each other – eating their own. You strong believers out there should do something about your dysfunctional party.

  34. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 7, 2012


    It seems to me that the GOP has a great field of candidates and is going through the process of selection just as it is expected too.

    What the American people need to ask themselves is why the media does not question the democrats failures of leadership and the resulting stomping of the American Constitution.

    Just last week Obama signed a law that gives him the power to arrest and hold Americans without charges, indefinately.

    The week before that he signed legislation to turn horses into groceries….

    That’s right, horse meat at the supermarket is now legal ….

    Just two examples of an America I never thought I’d see…

    Obama has done more to steal freedom from the American people than all the presidents before him… COMBINED!

    So much for the value of a community activist…


  35. John says - Posted: January 7, 2012

    Pubworks, exacty how does opening a market for horse meat defy the constitution?

  36. SmedleyButler says - Posted: January 7, 2012

    Mindnumbingly fact-free, brain-scrubbed and ready for another try at the “Name they dare not say” Bush policies that they “think” had absolutely nothing to do with our economic situation…. and they actually are able to believe it…. limbic brains

  37. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 7, 2012

    Smedley as usual, don’t let the truth get in your way…

    EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW by now – It was the democrats that blocked reform of Freddy Mac and Fanny Mea. The whole thing should have been dealt with in 2005 when the Democrats blocked reform. Both Freddy and Fanny went on to give the most money ever to a presidential candidate – ya that’s right OBAMA.


    You never seem to come up with any facts, just hate and name calling – trademarks of a true liberal. Nothing to respect, just a hate monger.

    My last words for you …

    Take your head out of your blinding hate box why don’t you?

  38. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 7, 2012


    I just added the horse meat thing because I think many of the readers here have not heard that Obama is the first president in modern day to turn horses into food for people.

    Obama is killing horses for food, who knew? Very little press coverage in the liberal media.

  39. SmedleyButler says - Posted: January 7, 2012

    Instant proof of my hypothesis… responding in reptilian brain… pathetic

  40. PubworksTV says - Posted: January 7, 2012

    Smedley proves me right – again!

    … you prove my point – In all I have read from you, you appear empty of substance. Except for hate and name calling… you never seem to have anything of value, you come off as a caustic person full of hate.

    You don’t deserve my time, from here you talk to the hand.

  41. admin says - Posted: January 7, 2012

    OK … take a time out guys. Go enjoy your Saturday night and leave the name calling behind. It’s old and pointless.

    Maybe that could be your Random Act of Kindness to the rest of us.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  42. the conservation robot says - Posted: January 7, 2012

    a lot. And they never give any examples.

  43. Rhymes with Orange says - Posted: January 7, 2012

    The reason the Republicans are failing is the same reason the Democrats fail. So much wasted time is spent batting topics like abortion and gay marriage back and forth like a badminton birdie that no real problems are discussed or solved. Actually the only serious conversations are coming from the tea party, OWS and Ron Paul…but no one really wants to have serious conversations.

    It’s all a joke and the joke is on us.
    When the majority of us get beyond praising Obama or bashing Bush or vice verse and realize its all of them screwing us maybe things will change.

    Until then nothing has really changed either way since Bush and wont change regardless of who wins the next election. Obama gets a C+ grade so far. Congress needs to be cleaned out.

  44. Hangs Ups From Way Back says - Posted: January 8, 2012

    There is no government, parties, it’s all lobbyists, the prize goes to the highest bidder quarrelers the Moral Value.