RAOK: Emotional freedom for people and animals

Larry Sabo is today’s Random Acts of Kindness winner. He was nominated by a colleague who wanted him to be the recipient of the award because he demonstrated the Act of Kindness. He rescued a pigeon that flew into an office window, calmed it down and then took it to Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care.

Larry is the winner of a 45-minute Emotional Freedom Technique session with Rosemary Manning at Tahoe Health Touch.

Random Acts of Kindness is Lake Tahoe News’ way to start off the year on a positive note by encouraging kindness. Local businesses are supplying the rewards.

It’s free and easy to participate. All you have to do is perform a Random Act of Kindness, witness one or be the recipient of an act. Then tell us about it via a comment at the bottom of this story.

Each day through the month of January someone will be rewarded.

If you haven’t been picked, just keep trying. Winners are picked randomly.

For more details about Random Acts of Kindness and the few rules associated with it, check out this story.

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This article was written by admin


Comments (6)
  1. Janice Eastburn says - Posted: January 4, 2012

    Whenever I encounter someone asking for money (like on the street or in a parking lot) I will give them a warm greeting and some money and/or some food. If they have a dog and circumstances allow I will get the dog some treats. It is my way of expressing gratitude for what I have by “paying it forward”.

    Kudos Kae. This is a great way to start the new year.

  2. G. Pedro Kinner says - Posted: January 4, 2012

    It may not be random because I’ve done it everyday for the last twelve years at Zephyr Cove Elementary School but I do try to remember as many names as I can each day and try to make every child want to come back again tomorrow to see if I am still there to greet them as Cubby the school mascot. Seems pretty random to me because there’s always a new day comin and I want every child to begin it with a smile.

  3. Laura says - Posted: January 4, 2012

    It’s a great idea. There is so mach in the way of negative news hitting us every day, this opens people’s minds to the positive and good in people. Keep it up.

  4. Jess says - Posted: January 4, 2012

    I was taking the trash out the other day and struggling with the weight from the post holiday excess garbage. My neighbor was leaving for work and took the can to the curb for me. In some ways this isn’t so random. I have great neighbors.

  5. 4-mer usmc says - Posted: January 4, 2012

    My husband and I were driving on Highway 101 near Sausalito during a pouring rain storm and we saw a woman on the opposite side of the freeway dressed in office attire trying to change a flat tire. She really didn’t know what she was doing because she’d jacked up the car and was then trying to loosen the lug nuts to no avail, only spinning the tire. Without saying a word my husband got off at the next exit and got back on the freeway going in the opposite direction we’d been traveling. He pulled up behind the soaked woman’s car and got out in the pouring rain, tapped her on the shoulder and told her to get back in her car and then lowered the car back down, loosened the lugs, jacked it back up and changed the tire and then put the flat and the jack in her trunk, all in about 60-seconds. He then tapped her window and let her know she was ready to go and ran back to our car soaking wet. I thought that was a really kind thing to do for a stranger in distress and told him so. All he said was that he hoped someone would do the same for me if I were in that situation.

  6. 4-mer usmc says - Posted: January 4, 2012

    P.S. on the above: My husband is the former Marine, not me.