RAOK: Giving clothes and giving away RAOK prize


In the spirit of Random Acts of Kindness, the person selected as today’s winner has generously given her prize to Shannon Parker.

Babette wrote in about giving to a family who lost many of their belongings in a storage shed.

While the current prize may not help them with that loss, it will give Shannon something to look forward to. Les Wright has donated an entry into either the 5K or 10K during the September Lake Tahoe Marathon weekend.

Area businesses are helping make Random Acts of Kindness extra special. Lake Tahoe News is providing a forum for people to write in about a Random Act of Kindness they saw, did or received. All you have to do is write about it at the end of this story.

For more details about Random Acts of Kindness and the few rules associated with it, check out this story.



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This article was written by admin


Comments (2)
  1. snoheather says - Posted: January 13, 2012

    Well this morning I have a tale of a random act of unkindness. Last my night my husband and I went to bed to be awoken by the teenager that lives with us at midnight because when he walked home from a neighbor’s house he noticed all our car doors open and the interior lights on. My husband and I sprang out of bed (my wallet was in the car with over $200 in it)to find that our car was ransacked. We normally lock our car doors every night (this isnt’t the first time someone has come and robbed our car in our front yard) before bed but last night I forgot to remind my husband and he forgot to lock them. The thief stole many items: our roadside emergency kit worth about $200, our daughters’ DVD players worth $250, my husband’s GPS worth $500, our phone charger and adapter for listening to music on the radio, our cargo net and racheted tie downs, and they even took the girls’ sunglasses. On top of all that my husband and I lost over 3 hours of sleep after calling the police (thank you SLTPD for your quick response) and sitting in utter disbelief. The one shining light out of this is that my wallet was left untouched on the passenger seat of the car. Money to buy food for my family is more important than the material possessions taken from us.
    It is so upsetting to know that random people just walk down our street (Oakland) and check for unlocked vehicles to steal from. We work hard for what we have and it is really disturbing to have some low life come and rip it away from us. If anyone happens to see any of the above items for sale on craigslist or the street please be kind and email me at
    Thank you for listening and I hope more kind, rather than rotten, things happen to people today.

  2. Bill Yale says - Posted: January 13, 2012

    I wouldl like to nominate the people who staff the BAck Door pantry at St Theresas. Pat, Marilyn, Tanya, Sandy and Karen show up in all weather and not only offer food to families in need, but also will spend a few minutes talking to all of them and helping them out with questions and concerns.

    Beverly Sass at St Theresa’s is also a testament to helping out. Not only will she help families get food on the days the pantry may not be open, but will also guide people to help with social services, answer quaestions or even find a warm coat.

    These people are truly a blessing to the community