RAOK: Newcomer finds kindness from long-time residents

Lisa Sinizer nominated her neighbors Suzy and Rob Krzaczek for being so neighborly — especially with being new to the area.

As Lake Tahoe News’ latest Random Acts of Kindness winner, the Krzaczeks will be receiving two tickets to ride the Tahoe Queen during one of the paddle-wheeler’s day cruises.

To read all the entries for the past month, go to the top of the page. Under the Random Acts of Kindness category is a story from each day this month. The promotion ends in a few days, but we hope the kindness continues.

To participates, write about the kindness that has been done to you, the kindness you have seen or the kindness you have done. It can be as simple as opening a door or helping clear snow, or a bit more grand like turning in nearly $1,000 or giving a lift to a stranger.