RAOK: Spreading kindness overseas

Jen Gurecki’s kindness is not random, but deliberate. And Lake Tahoe News is more than OK with that.

Gurecki was featured in a story Jan. 19 about her efforts to help women in Kenya. An anonymous writer nominated her to be a Random Acts of Kindness winner. Gurecki will be receiving an hour massage at A Massage at Tahoe.

RAOK is Lake Tahoe News’ monthlong promotion to spread kindness in the Lake Tahoe Basin and beyond. Participating is easy. If you have seen an act of kindness, been the recipient of one, or been the giver, write about it at the end of this story. Then you will be in the running for a reward from one of the many kind businesses in Lake Tahoe.

There are a few rules associated with Random Acts of Kindness. If you want to read them, check out this story.