South Lake Tahoe’s newest resident born New Year’s Day

Apparently Laird Lopaka McDaniel doesn’t like to wait and likes to do things his own way.

The newest South Lake Tahoe resident was born New Year’s Day at 8:02pm – two weeks sooner than doctors had expected.

The little one weighs in at 6.9 ounces and is 18.5-inches long.

Andie and Sean McDaniel with newborn son Laird. Photo/Rebecca Wass

Andie McDaniel went into labor about noon New Year’s Eve, but didn’t go to Barton Memorial Hospital until 4am the next day. When a few complications arose, the doctors opted for a Cesarean section. Mom and son are dong fine.

Laird is named after his dad’s brother, who died when Sean McDaniel was a boy.

With their passion for the sun, the ocean and the snow, Laird’s parents look forward to teaching him to surf and ski.

“I knew that as soon as I had a boy he would be named Laird,” Sean McDaniel said. “He will be athletic and a well-rounded individual.”

Barton Health gathered more than $1,300 in gifts from local businesses for Andie, Sean and baby Laird to begin their new journey together.

“It was such a surprise and very nice of all of the businesses to help celebrate the birth of our child,” Andie McDaniel said.

There were more than 400 Barton babies in 2011, with 45 born in December.

 — Rebecca Wass, Barton Health