What did you think of SnowGlobe?


South Lake Tahoe officials want to know what people thought of the SnowGlobe Music Festival.

The survey is online at the city’s website.

The Dec. 29-31 SnowGlobe music event was definitely controversial. Photo/LTN

Other opportunities to voice your opinion are in person at the South Lake Tahoe City Council meeting Jan. 3 at 9am. Public comments on non-agenda items — which includes SnowGlobe — are taken at the beginning of the meeting.

City officials are also reading Lake Tahoe News, so comments may be left on the various LTN stories; or write and/or call the council or city official of choice.



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This article was written by admin


Comments (49)
  1. dogwoman says - Posted: January 2, 2012

    Hah! I hid! Didn’t leave my hillside except to do a little work in the Keys all weekend! Plan to venture out tomorrow to catch up on my errands. I know better than to mingle on Holiday weekends!

  2. geeper says - Posted: January 2, 2012

    I can’t really say I would trust the results of this survey ran by the city. An example would be Nancy Kerry stating on this web site last week that the sound checks would be louder than the actual event. As a Meyers resident I would vote no if they were to relocate to the Airport. Thanks Kae!

  3. geeper says - Posted: January 2, 2012

    I can’t really say I would trust the results of this survey ran by the city. An example would be Nancy Kerry stating on this web site last week that the sound checks would be louder than the actual event. As a Meyers resident I would vote no if they were to relocate this event to the Airport. Thanks Kae!

  4. Kathy says - Posted: January 2, 2012


  5. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: January 2, 2012

    I hope it comes back, what a great event, good people and music!

  6. dogwoman says - Posted: January 2, 2012

    I love that the headline comes up, “What did you think of Snow Glob” on the computer. That about says it.

  7. Jim says - Posted: January 2, 2012

    I went to the link, and was less than impressed by the city government’s survey effort. No place to write comments.

    What about people who want to make suggestions rather than a simplistic up-or-down vote on the festival? Not everyone can make it to a 9am city council meeting.

    I’m happy that the festival happened, for 3 reasons. 1) Business! We need the business in this town, which heavily relies on tourism. 2) Positivity! I like that there was finally a successful effort to create a positive event for NYE, rather than expect yet another year of drunken crowds wander Hwy50 between the casinos with an anti-climactic lack of a band, a countdown, or a ball drop. 3) Excitement! All friends I talked to who attended raved about the production. I might go next year because of the word of mouth, and I suspect that phenomenon is what a organizer hopes for.

    I am unhappy that the festival happened for 3 reasons. 1) Honestly, does SLT have any noise volume regulations? The impression is no, since the exact same nuisance was repeated three nights straight. 2)For my baby, trying to sleep was very troublesome. We have all heard adults complain about the sound, for them and their pets, but am I the only one who had a baby-trying-to-sleep issue? I feel the wellbeing of infants and babies has been overlooked. 3) Poor communication on the part of the City. Most of my neighbors and I had no idea what was going on. We figured it out. But then the question became… when will it end? Window-rattling-bass till after Midnight? Really?

    Best comment I’ve read so far called for next year’s contract to include a clause empowering the city to literally pull the plug in the event of decibel or time limit infractions. Add to that a ‘good will contribution’ to the city for the problems the organizers caused this year.

    We can only hope that we will be truthfully informed of the black-and-white financial impact.

    Thank you Kae for this forum.

    PS to the city website, it’s spelled ‘neutral’.

  8. Julie Threewit says - Posted: January 2, 2012

    Bring it back and come up with more events too.

  9. Kitty says - Posted: January 2, 2012

    This was an awesome event to have over the holiday. It was great to have it on the California side too. This event brought many to the town that might not have come otherwise. Businesses were booming for it and you would be dumb not to appreciate an event like this that brings so many dollars to town. This is a tourist town after all.

  10. Red Dog says - Posted: January 2, 2012

    Every culture, far and wide, every community small and large and every species, either reinvents itself as change occurs or it dies off. Do we need reinventing or do we just need to accept the tourist has changed and so we must change to accept who it is that’s coming? Our community has some of the highest unemployment rates. Why is that? Is it because of the recession, or is it because the recession has drastically lifted the veil off of what we were under , which was our own myths of how we were surviving.

    Until the recession we all kind of understood (on the California side) the tourist would come and drive through our side and get to Stateline, spend their money and we were ok with the leftovers. We could tolerate a bit of hassle, so long as it didn’t stay long, a day, two days. We were good with the little bit of hassles and it was just a hassle, traffic and congestion, but no real noise, just so long as we got to sit on our beach and we all know where the “hidden” ones are, ride our bikes and flip off the tourist if they got in the way of our playing, well not when the tourist stopped into our store and picked up a few things before they left town.

    The left overs of the casinos were fine, they were enough. We weren’t scrapping buy, we were making it. The second homeowner, while horrendously annoying sometimes, was ok as long as they built the beautiful house , nearby, not too close, but close enough to raise our property values and then we passed laws to make them be quiet while they were here, because after all, it is our town to play, rest, be at peace and work just enough to allow us to rest, walk among the forest and enjoy our Tahoe. It’s not our fault the tourists can’t live here and are only allowed to come, leave money, stop for bit but hurry on by, don’t disturb us too much and in recent years, they sure haven’t.

    They quit coming and our town dried up, stores closed, people moved, more businesses closed and we got angry and demanded someone anyone do something.

    The City tried something and I’m glad they did. Out of the gate they or someone brought tens of thousands back to Tahoe.

    On Thursday, I began to feel the rumble, no, not that rumble, the rumble of my cash register ringing again so many people in the store, on Thursday? I expected some uptick for New Years eve, Saturday, but Thursday? And who are these shoppers all dressed in odd animal hats, had I returned to the 60s? I welcomed their presence so kind and peaceful, and buying.

    The more I discovered snowglobe, the more I realized, the rumbling in the forest was the reason my cash register rumbled all weekend and I called everyone who could help me work. I hired kids out of work from the lack of snow and put them to work for the weekend. I bought extra supplies and I was exhausted at the end of the day. I couldn’t sleep until they stopped their dancing at night as I live in Al tahoe and then worked hard all day filling them up so they could go back for more dancing. Today, as they drove out of town and back to their lives, I know they will be grateful for the event, I remember the days I enjoyed my time in in similar festivals.

    Their music kind of sucks in my opinion, but I remember my parents thought the same. They were not destructive to our town, but they were disruptive. They disrupted my peaceful sleeping at night and disrupted what had been a silent cash register ( I thank them for the disruption) . As a result of this weekend, I can pay my bills, get that haircut, take my family out to dinner to celebrate and maybe I’ll finally get my car fixed that’s been limping along. I might treat my neighbors to block party and donate to my favorite charity, and for sure I’m heading off to the new restaurant I’ve been wanting to go to for year, but couldn’t afford.

    I’ll take the tourist dollars for that is what our economy is, have we forgotten ? Or did we just want them to continue speeding on by to the casinos hoping for leftovers that no longer exist. I’ll take the main course with all its bread and butter too. We don’t need to reinvent ourselves, we need to adapt to this new economy, we need to change our mindset to attract those with money, and that is, the young vibrant unencumbered youth. Their parents are trying to pay the bills and can’t afford to come, but maybe just maybe when the kids go home and tell their parents how “dude, how awesomely rocking Tahoe is,” mom and dad might decide to head on over and spend a quieter weekend here too.

    I registered my vote, bring it back, bring more and more! And can you manage to bring some snow too?

  11. Rusty says - Posted: January 2, 2012

    Snow Globe was a huge success for business on the California side. Same time same place next year.

  12. Joe Stirumup says - Posted: January 2, 2012

    South lake tahoe has a growing reputation as a loser town of stoners and uneducated punks.

    The Snow globe event will help keep that rep growing.

  13. pounddawg says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    I think Snow Globe was a good idea to bring people here and take some of the congestion away from the Stateline area.

    I think the venue is completely wrong. The playfield/college combo is not an adequate location for this event. It was very disruptive the surrounding areas.

  14. hmmm..... says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    Pretty loud, but for the most part upbeat, positive energy. I remember huge outdoor concerts when I was a teen, outdoor concerts are LOUD. Not as many drunks driving due to the buses -Joe Stirrumup, the ‘loser town’ moniker may have more to do with politics; do you have a problem with semi-educated DRUNK revelers? I’m curious as to what the police have to say-other than ‘don’t call us about the noise’. I also wonder how much $$$ the furry neo-hippies spent in our ‘town’.

  15. Maria Pielaet says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    I am so glad this event was brought to our town! I think we need more events that bring 15000 people to our town to spend their money here. Our economy is a tourist-based economy, and I am thankful for whoever had the imagination to create this new event here. I hope they come back, and I hope to see similar events in the shoulder seasons. A short term annoyance outweighs the long term benefits for our local economy and businesses.

  16. Dumbluck says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    I think it was, overall, a postive event for the city. Definite problems with sound and safety aside–all those people wearing dark clothing while walking down Al Tahoe Blvd might have ended up as statistics–SnowGlobe brought money and people to the Lake who might not have come and spent money. Final results may be inconclusive but we need events like this to be competitive. Tourists won’t come up here for chess or croquet tournaments.

  17. Gaytahoe says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    Keep the festival here, sure it was loud but so is the summer concert series. The summer concert series is more obnoxious, since you have to have your windows open and then listen to horrible music. There are many other noices that are out there too. The snoring in my bedroom is loader than Snowglobe and here every night instead of just three nights. The vacation rentals in my hood are often louder than Snowglobe. I didn’t go to Snowglobe, but I will next year.

  18. Bob says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    I’d like to know how much money was raised due to the complaints I heard. How about relocating to Camp Rich next year?

  19. Monica says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    If businesses in town are thriving from this type of event, then bring it back! Events like this will keep our businesses going and here for us when we need them as residents. Perhaps reconsider the location.. I like the Camp Rich idea!

  20. Real Local says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    Would love to see it again, was a plus for us.

  21. Denise Upton says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    Take a look at the Britt Festival in Jacksonville Oregon and how they handle their outdoor concert series in a residential area. They make it work somehow and it’s a great success. I’m sure we can learn from others and with some changes make ” almost” everyone happy!

  22. Whip says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    Wrong location, wrong weekend. Move it and have it on a weekend when we don’t draw 30 to 50 thousand people to town already.

  23. skimama says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    It’s a good idea but in the wrong place. Why not move it to the Casino Corridor next year? Heavenly Village needs a better NYE attraction…why not there?

  24. dumbfounded says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    I guess this event exemplifies exactly what is meant by the “reduced regulation, small government, get-out-of-the-way-of-business, close all regulatory agencies” crowd. If you like the idea, vote for them. If you don’t like the idea, make your voice heard.

    Personally, I may have heard the show. Of course, it should be less loud. Aren’t all public events too loud? I have soccer games near my house that are too loud. I think the benefit to our town’s business outweighs the noise, but that is just my opinion. It really didn’t bother me at all. I do think that the volume should be far more controlled through the use permit.

    And for you naysayers who didn’t really get affected but complain anyway, get off my lawn.

  25. Al says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    Ms. Kerry – Please do not bring this event to the airport. I think it’s a great idea to give the crowd something to do. This loud event needs to be elsewhere, for example Sierra at Tahoe, Camp Rich, Heavenly Ski Resort lodge. Do not bring it to the airport or to our neighborhoods.

  26. Christina says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    I think it’s a great event; but I’m completely disgusted with the lapse in noise regulation. I don’t object to the event; I object to my windows rattling past midnight – and I live a couple of miles away from the event! Bring it back, but with a music cut off-time that coincides with the noise ordinances. Simple enough.

  27. Mike Bradford says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    Congratulations to the City of South Lake Tahoe for innovation. Change rarely comes without some challenges. Now the event needs to be improved by learning from the feedback from our community.

    Truly wonderful to see leadership and fresh thinking from the City. Wow! Great work.

  28. hoagie 57 says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    i think we should have more festivals here. how about a jazz festival this environment is perfect for music events. i love loud music but did it really need to be that loud i mean its on a football field with 10,000 i bet the decibel level was louder than a stadium show with a 100,000 people. it definitely seemed to infuse the economy. i have to say the harrah shows are definitely not that loud not even close. so its over and people know what it is lets see if people want tourists or not or are we going to be picky which is definite death of a town.

  29. GG68 says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    I feel the city’s intentions were good. The event brought people to town, filled hotel rooms, rest. and buinesses. I think most can agree new revenue to local businesses is a great thing. Unfortunately, the cost to the people who lived within 2 miles of the event was equally large. I spoke to one family who got in their car Friday morning and left town with their two small children because their children could not sleep in thier own home. Noise levels like this are unacceptable. Home owners and renters have a right to peace in their homes. As a community, we need to figure out how we can continue to get people to come to our town and spend money without our local tax payers feeling the need to leave their homes to get away from the noise levels. I am confident this can be done as we have smart, educated people in our community who truly have the best interest for our city and residents in mind.

  30. earl zitts says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    Extreme selfishness abounds in SLT. You tympanic membrane deficient folks ought to talk to some of the thousands of now borderline deaf people who lived within two miles of the noise event.
    “If it pays a dollar, who cares if it hollers?”

  31. Josh says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    An event which brings in thousands of people willing to pay money to stand around in the cold, get stoned, and have their hearing damaged is fine with me, as long as it’s not within hearing distance of residences. This ought to rule out all of SLT. Try someplace where unwilling participants are not. Maybe Hope Valley or Sierra at Tahoe. Perhaps the Superfund Site at the former dump.

  32. Honkylonk says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    I wonder if there’s any way to determine how many of the survey respondents are actually residents of the city and how many are attendees from out of town who are simply following a facebook/twitter feed to go on the site and stack the vote?

    Perhaps the city should send a survey to actual postal address holders within the city.

  33. Josh Benin says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    Let’s hope that before doing anything, City Council looks at, and publicizes a few things:
    1. Did the event make money? Who got it, and how much?
    2. Did the City get a bond before the event to cover any damages?
    3. What was the actual sound power level – it surely must have been in the rapid damage level. What are the legal implications?
    4. What would have happenewd if the event had not taken place in freakishly good weather? What about 15 deg F, windy and two feet of new snow? Would this have been another bicycle race?

  34. LF Rubio says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    very good idea honkylonk!

  35. lou pierini says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    All the issues with this event have occured at stateline for many years, and the cost was paid by the city of so. lake tahoe not the casinos. More public safety people from Ca. than Nv. were at stateline to control the crowds, for the casinos. No noise issues at my house, and its closer than anyones house quoted here. Less arrest this year than any of the 40 plus years I’ve been here. How much money did we get from the casinos in years past? Lets have events like this at all the locations mentioned above and we will have more success stories. Best new idea for a new event in years. Just the facts.

  36. Hangs Ups From Way Back says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    Red dog got the right idea,great writing Red,nice to hear the sound of Life in a dead old body TOWN!




    Out with the old..Get ready for the NEW.


    I don’t think many would complain the event be held at casinos, maybe the village, but not many locals go there anyway.
    It be a good test to their building sound proofing .
    Other than sound complainants, the people were more less not destroying private property, and sure there probably some parking complaints.

  37. Kitten says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    The noise made me crazy. Not in a residential area. Rethink the location and bring it on.

  38. Robert says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    Lou, either your hearing aids have gone dead or you are spending to much time at the wellness center!

  39. admin says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    Stop the childish name calling as well as the threats. Like or don’t like the event; suggest ways for it to improve; or for something else (or nothing) to take its place.

    Once again, attack ideas, not people.

    Maybe you could all read about the Random Acts of Kindness promotion Lake Tahoe News is doing and become inspired by others.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  40. Angie says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    I think a survey is a very good idea, because the residents should have an an opinion about their city. I have lived here for 23 years and vote during every election, so I feel that the community leaders should trust our opinion.

  41. snoheather says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    I love that there was an event of this magnitude brought to Tahoe. I live nearby but was not extremely put out by the loudness of the event. I guess my kids and dogs can handle some noise. I definitely noticed a huge difference in the volume Saturday night compared to Thursday and Friday so apparently the organizers can turn it down and still have a successful event.

    People who are saying the event should be held at another time during the year are missing the reason behind why the event was scheduled when it was- there is nothing to do besides hang out in casinos on New Year’s. I think it is a great weekend to have an event like this but think that there should be similar events held during the shoulder season also.

    All the suggestions of moving it to Hope Valley or Sierra at Tahoe would not impact our economy here in town the way this event did. Having the event centered in town impacted most of the businesses here in town and moving it to such a great distance away from town would only encourage people to camp and stay close to the festival.

    I would really love to see more festivals like this with varying genres of music over the course of a few days. This would enable others who don’t care for electronic music to attend and enjoy the event. A reggae festival would be awesome. Keep the festivals coming!!!

  42. Kathy says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    I am all for it, Reggae ,That would be so cool,bring it on, and do not forget ZIGGY ,BRING MORE CONCERTS PLEASE.

  43. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    it seems to me the new direction our town is marketing is recreation

    the main focus of this concert was
    recreational drug abuse

    the visitors did not buy Skis,Snowboards,Flyrods,Timeshares,Art,
    Nice Clothing or any of the other high end things in our town.
    They did buy Gas, Food and Dope

  44. TahoeLady says - Posted: January 3, 2012

    Good idea – wrong place. Or, SERIOUSLY TURN THE BASS DOWN!!!!!!!!1 I live about a mile away and my walls were shaking… and some of us had to be at work a 7am in the morning… How would you like a tired nurse give you the wrong medicine on new Year’s Day???? Happy New year! Ooooops….
    The summer concerts at Bijou Park are pleasant and not nearly as loud or, as long… A residential neighborhood is the wrong place for such a huge and loud event. Move it to the airport or, how about Camp Rich?

  45. the conservation robot says - Posted: January 4, 2012

    “the main focus of this concert was
    recreational drug abuse”
    That can be said about most concerts. Why is that bad? The relationship between music and drugs has existed for for as long as humans first found drugs. Concerts are the best place for acceptable drug use.
    I know there were more people at stateline for new years eve, but there were assaults there. I didn;t hear about any such activity on Al Tahoe.

    The noise issue can, and should, be solved if this happens again. Or the timing changed. I am surprised to read that someone recorded 80db at their house, which couldn’t have been less than 1/2 miles away, it seems unusually high but if that is good data it needs to be considered. It is a problem that can be solved. That idea is being lost for some people in this discussion.

  46. Angie says - Posted: January 4, 2012

    I want to thank the South Lake Tahoe Police Dept. for responding to all the calls they must have received during the concert and New Year holiday, being polite and informative. For myself they responded to a vacation home incident in a fast amount of time.Thank you again.

  47. Parker says - Posted: January 4, 2012

    If the City plans to continue to put on this event, and give itself all this new “flexibility” on dealing with noise and drug issues, hopefully it will now give its taxpaying citizens the same “open interpretation” of ordinances!

    And if I want to throw a big party, let me robo call everyone in town with the message, “Don’t call and complain about what I’m doing!”

  48. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: January 4, 2012

    What did I think of SnowGlobe? I wasn’t there, but living in Sierra Tract I could hear it just fine. Not my kind of music but they certainly had the volume cranked. Rattled the windows in this old house big time!

    Reading some of the comments like Red Dog’s, got me to thinking about some things.My family moved here in 1962 and just about every job I’ve had, even as a little kid growing up in So. Shore, was in some way related to tourisim. Like it or not tourists are what keep many in this town working and keep our somewhat sketchy economy going.

    No , I didn’t like the loud noise one bit, but if it puts money into So. Shore business’,that in return spend their money locally, well then I’m all for it. Next time just turn the volume down a notch or two…Please???

    One last thing, if the LTCC soccer field becomes a regular concert site how about some day time concerts featuring performers that are more appreciated by those of us that at are of “a certain age” , if you know what I mean.Let us old farts get down and and have a good time just like these kids did for three nights!

    Thanks Kae, for you and LTN
    Take care, Old Long Skiis

  49. Kindal says - Posted: January 5, 2012

    snow globe was sooooo amazing!!! one of the best concerts ive ever seen, everyone was very friendly and unique which i dont see often in the valley. i went with my boyfriend just NYE and stayed 2 nights. Childish Gambino and robotic pirate monkey were amazing… unfortunately a friend of ours got very sick and we missed the glitch mob (who we went to see) we had an awesome time outside the fact that there was a LOT of drugs, a sick friend, and it was super cold, but outside of that it was a great time and i hope there is another one next year!!!