California gasoline consumption continues to drop
By Nancy Rivera Brooks, Los Angeles Times
California drivers are keeping their feet on the brakes, with gasoline demand falling for eight months in a row.
Gasoline consumption in California totaled 1.23 billion gallons in October, down 1.8 percent from the 1.26 gallons used the previous October, according to a report released Tuesday by California State Board of Equalization Chairman Jerome E. Horton. The last time gas use increased was in January 2011, when consumption rose 2.7 percent. Consumption was flat in February.
“High gas prices appear to be directly affecting fuel consumption in California,” Horton said. “We are seeing a trend of Californians consuming less gasoline in the last eight months of 2011.
“We’ll see what coming months show as California begins to turn the corner and shows signs of economic growth.”
I think the key reason for decline in gas consumption is that sooooo many people are voting with their feet and leaving California.
I just found out that Wells Fargo bank in CA has added new service fees to the accounts. Fifteen bucks a month hit my account in January … It’s only in CA branchs. I wonder is that because it is so hard to do business there?
The idea that a company would charge you to use your money is absurd – these fees are there because they still have customers willinfg to pay it. Find another bank!
No mystery to gas ,no one driving anywhere to spend money they don’t have.
All we need is one shot fired in Iran from the Jews and we’ll be back in dire straights both with the economy,high barrels of crude, gas prices jump sky high, this have a domino effect on all the commodities right on your kitchen table for quite sometime.
The balancing act very fragile!
Citizen Kane,
the fees are for California branches only.
So I went one better and found another state. On wednesday I meet with the service rep. They told me that they can reverse the January fees block February fees and come March my accounts will be in a branch located in a much more business friendly state.