Lawrence Livermore Lab studying groundwater in Martis Valley

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is studying climate change impacts to recharge and groundwater quality in the Martis Valley.

The Lawrence Livermore water aging study will help further the ongoing efforts to determine how the aquifer functions. Previous studies have indicated that some water in the Martis Valley groundwater basin may be in excess of 1,000 years old. The study will help further the ongoing efforts to determine how the aquifer functions.

The study is being funded by the state Groundwater Ambient Monitoring & Assessment Special Studies Program. The results of the study will supplement the Martis Valley groundwater model being prepared under a separate grant to the Desert Research Institute by the Bureau of Reclamation.

The local water agencies — Truckee Donner Public Utility District, Northstar Community Services District and Placer County Water Agency — continue their partnership in developing a groundwater management plan and groundwater model for the Martis Valley basin. The partner agencies contributed $250,000 to the initial costs, based on their number of connections. This collaborative effort had previously leveraged an additional $500,000 in federal funding from the Bureau of Reclamation. The Bay Area lab study brings the total project funding to more than $1 million.

The Martis Valley aquifer includes a 35,000-acre area in Placer and Nevada counties. It is the main water supply for numerous public and private entities.