Opinion: It’s not always good when life imitates art


To the community,

Whether friend or foe, I urge everyone to read Frank Kafka’s latest psychodrama like it’s “Poland’s Affair”. The plotline is much like Kafka’s “Trial”. A man is accused of a crime, but he cannot find anyone who will tell him what is the crime. Thus, he cannot answer any charge brought against him. He is defenseless. So the tale is a horror story. A mind game wherein the accused for weeks and months must wait for someone to tell him what is his crime, his fate.

The story takes place in a small alpine town. Some call it paradise, but for the accused it has become hell.

Bill Crawford

The citizens are powerless because the local powers that be have sealed their lips. The town manager isn’t talking, nor is the police chief. In the story there is a rumor that the national police are playing in this game of terror. They are silent.

In this horror story the reader is left hanging because it ends without a resolution. The reader must guess as to the fate of the accused. By the way, Kafka died in 1924, so he wrote “Poland’s Affair” from his grave to remind us that his voice is still alive and loud and clear. Some voices are immortal. There is such a thing as state of terrorism.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe




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Comments (10)
  1. earl zitts says - Posted: February 24, 2012

    Johnny has been through something similar previously. At that time all they needed was evidence. Too bad it wasn’t available, but why should it stop a juggernaut of opinion.

  2. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: February 24, 2012

    Perhaps if Bill Crawford wasn’t such a fan of Mr. Poland I could find this latest claim of unfair treatment more plausible. Also, since Crawford is such a critic of the City I would like him to discontinue posting the above photograph that the City of South Lake Tahoe had taken of him for placement on THEIR website when he was a Councilmember. The City paid for that photo for their use and not for Crawford’s personal use.

  3. Laura says - Posted: February 24, 2012

    Sounds like an interesting book, Bill, although depressing. What? No happy ending?

  4. Alex Campbell says - Posted: February 24, 2012

    Suggest you read the last Grand Jury report.Authored by ? Would you say CRITICS of the city?
    Suggest you read Kafka and follow the plotline.
    Semper Fi>>>> 3rdBatt 6thMarines 2ndMarDiv

  5. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: February 24, 2012

    Mr. Campbell:

    What does the last Grand Jury report have to do with my opinion of Bill Crawford or Mr. Poland? And FYI, I did review that report and my opinion of this former City Councilmember is based on witnessing him on-line during every, single City Council meeting when he served on the previous Council. I found neither his conduct or obstructionism beneficial to the City of South Lake Tahoe. Just my opinion.

  6. Alex Campbell says - Posted: February 24, 2012

    Every critic has an opinion, yours apparently follows the party line i.e.conduct, obstructionism.
    Do you feel that Grand Juror’s are critic’s or juror’s that investigate and respond to complaints filed by a citizen.

  7. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: February 24, 2012


    As I said before my opinion is based on what I witnessed at the City Council meetings posted on-line and it has nothing to do with a party line. I live in the County and can’t even vote in the City even though every decision they make impacts County residents. I just found this former Councilmember’s conduct to be aggressively rude, which I can’t condone by anyone, and I disagreed with his opinions on most City related matters and thought he purposely tried to obstruct what I believed could be progress. It’s a difference of opinion.

    As far as the Grand Jury is concerned certainly they are supposed to be an investigative body but that doesn’t mean I should agree with all their findings either. Wasn’t everybody just scrutinizing the credibility of the current Grand Jury because of Ted Long’s participation on it? And I’m not saying Long’s participation is good or bad, I’m only saying that I base my opinions on what I research and witness and not on hearsay.

    Thanks for the enjoyable dialogue!

  8. Hang Ups From Way Back says - Posted: February 24, 2012

    lmaf,who isn’t a critic of this city,they are still in school to figure out how to flush something beside tax payers money on Disneyland draws they can’t afford, waste more grant money from China!
    Besides, ever frigging year, traffic tied up with so called street improvements but it’s not in our neighborhoods,Bill was a OK councilmen, it’s great that at least someone of the scholars can hear his own drum, not be a Nerd council person with too many self agendas in the stove to stay warm, while the rest of the community freezing their hides off.
    Grand jury really doesn’t do anyone any good, another waste time ,money.

    I talked to Poland a few times as a Officer when we had some civil problems in our area, they Man was very polite ,informed us what we might want check on for further action. What more can our Police do ?
    Apparently just like any other job, theirs all was a thief in the woodpile that makes things hard for everyone, it’s a fact of life.
    Some those x women coucil members weren’t exactly angels either.

  9. Alex Campbell says - Posted: February 24, 2012

    I agree with your comment on Ted Long.
    Semper Fi

  10. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: February 24, 2012


    Semper Fi Marine—from a Hollywood Marine to a hard-core Marine.

    (1st Marine Division – Camp Pendleton; Transferred to 3rd Marine Division – Okinawa-1962; hit quite a few of the highlights in floating battalion – South Pacific, Philippines, Guam, Japan, Korea, etc., and the Bay of Pigs, Cuba. Tour ended in 1965 – lost a lot of good friends in Viet Nam when all hell broke loose.)