S. Tahoe residents express dislike for parking meters
By Kathryn Reed
Metered street parking, parking garages, reconfiguring streets, changing public perception about paid parking, paying attention to public transit-walkers-cyclists, and approving future projects with adequate parking were all broached in the daytime meeting.
Most in the audience agreed more parking and paid parking are likely to be more prevalent in South Tahoe in the near future. And they agreed it would be the locals, who are used to free parking, who will probably be the hardest to convince this is what’s needed.
How prophetic those two paragraphs from an Oct. 22, 2010, Lake Tahoe News article are.
On Feb. 22 – 16 months later – nearly 40 people filled a room at the South Lake Tahoe Rec Center to voice their opinions about the city’s proposal to install parking meters in various locations in town and initiate a residential permit system for the section of the Al Tahoe neighborhood closest to Regan Beach.

Parking meters near Stateline generated an average of $4,000 a month for South Lake Tahoe between July-December 2011. Photo/LTN
Many were loud and boisterous, interrupting Community Service Officer Bob Albertazzi as he tried to answer each question during the 90-minute session. People said they just learned of the meter situation. They said they plan to give the City Council an earful when the issue is back on the agenda March 6.
Meters were on the Feb. 7 council agenda, but were tabled a month to allow time to gather more input from the community. None of the three people who objected to the meters at the council meeting spoke Wednesday night, even though two were in the audience.
The city is banking on generating $300,000 from the meters. That’s revenue that is in the 2011-12 budget. The areas proposed to get kiosks are Regan Beach, Stateline Beach, Venice Drive between Tahoe Keys Boulevard and Tahoe Keys Marina, and Saddle Road between Ski Run Boulevard and Wildwood Avenue.
While Albertazzi said it is not a done deal to put in meters, meters are part of the strategic and business plans, and the five-year budget the council approved in spring 2011. If the council votes not to put in the meters, it must either find other revenue or cut services or staff.
Issues people have with the idea ran the gamut.
One man spoke of how he left the Bay Area because of things like this. He doesn’t want Tahoe to change. He said meters would change the complexion of the community.
JoAnn Conner, president of the South Tahoe Chamber of Commerce, said things have changed since Frank Globin owned all of the land that makes up the Al Tahoe neighborhood.
“It’s not like it was when he was here,” Conner said. “What would you like the city to do?”
He said it’s not his job to find solutions.
Judy Cefalu expressed concerns about people being able to find a place to park on Fourth of July to watch the fireworks.
One person balked at having to get extra passes from the city for guests if he were to have a party.
Some believe if paid parking goes in at Regan Beach, all of Al Tahoe should be permitted so the neighborhood doesn’t fill up with beach-goers looking for a free spot.
John Cefalu is worried beach-goers will park on Harrison Avenue or neighboring streets, which would take away parking for business customers.
People want Heavenly Mountain Resort to provide parking for its employees and not have the city allow for this to happen for free.
People are worried with two part-time employees handling parking issues that enforcement in the neighborhoods will be lacking.
Others are concerned the details have not been worked out – like specifics of permits, how long an illegally parked car will stay before its towed, and the number of permits each household will receive.
Many said the amount of revenue is not worth the consternation the meters will create. While some wonder if South Lake will be the most expensive place in the basin when it comes to lake access.
Albertazzi wrapped things up by saying, “The issue is revenue. Things have changed in South Lake Tahoe. No one has alternatives, so therefore we are trying things. We can’t sit back and do nothing and continue to have services deteriorate.”
Council meeting:
March 6 at 9am at Lake Tahoe Airport. Agenda will be posted online 72 hours before the meeting.
Here’s my problem with the meters, they don’t take bills!! Yet the minimum you can pay is a dollar? Who are the geniuses that thought of this one, you’re telling me I need to carry ooodles of coIns with me so I can park for 20, 40, or 60 minutes. 20 minutes for a dollar, you’ve got to be kidding! And I am never using my credit, debit, or check card in there, who knows who could have access to that info
The City of SLT has no revenue to add to City services or perform any upgrades. If people want more of either and don’t want the town to continue its further deterioration into a place resembling a toilet the money will have to come from somewhere. Everyone wants the City to look nice and to have good services but nobody wants to pay for it. Get real people, it doesn’t happen without money. The nice, free ride is over just like it was in urban areas 50-years ago—nothing stays the same.
The issue is simple. The cost of the installation, maintenance and collection of money from the parking meters will almost certainly exceed any revenue. Of course the City should “try things”, but they shouldn’t try failure. That has already been done. Please see if you can publish an analysis of this idea.
A similar meeting was held at the Station House Inn on Feb. 21st. The opposition was the same but the circumstance is different. The city wants to install paid parking along private property in Lakeside Park and restrict parking for residents and their guests. Lakeside Beach is private and owned by the non-profit company of locals. They opened the beach for public access through a seasonal or daily pass and now the city wants to hurt their revenue which they use to pay for the cost of the beach. The city pays nothing for maintanence or operations but they want the homeowners to have to pay more when the public doesn’t park there.
I dislike the idea of meters, also. In San Francisco, they just keep raising the meter rates and lowering the time you get for your money. I usually don’t have the quarters for it and won’t use my credit card either. It just makes me not patronize places that have meters. If the City had been run properly over the years, they wouldn’t be in such a bind now. Geez, why don’t they just put in toll booths coming into Tahoe, then they can rip-off everyone!
What happened to putting the focus on improving mass transit (shuttles)?
Zion National Park has a wonderful shuttle that is frequent so that you don’t need a car at all to hike at every trailhead. I hoped to see something like that in Tahoe, but shuttles aren’t very frequent and don’t really encourage usability (i.e., the stop at DL Bliss doesn’t drop you off at beach). Are grants given to Parks with these shuttles? Would Tahoe qualify?
The other fault I noticed with these meters, at least the ones around heavenly village, is another common sense mistake. So Transit Way is a one way street, the only entrance being from Hwy 50, well from Hwy 50 there are two signs on either side of the driveway that say “Bus Only.” I’ve been pulling into that driveway long enough to know those signs mean diddly, but what about the first time visitor who sees those signs and continues around to Bellamy Ct only to find all of those spots taken, gets to the turnaround, sees a meter with empty spaces, then sees a one way sign, then thinks “how do I get to those spots?” . The only answer is to ignore posted signs, are we wanting to encourage people to disregard posted traffic signs ( obviously I ignore them, but that’s besides the point)
DUDE; the plan the city presented is counting on you ignoring the paid parking and restricted parking signs. They forcast hugh amounts of revenue from tickets.
That should be Huge not hugh amounts of revenue.
The Zion shuttle system is funded by the National Park Service.
if the City puts in parking meters they should be at all of the City owned parking
Ski Run
Eldorado Beach
Raygun Beach
Harrison Ave.
the Airport
City office on Tata
Bijou Park
Play fields on Al Tahoe blvd.
Bijou Golf
Transit-Van Sickel way
Some day you will realize that this Council is the worst Council that Tahoe has ever had, You must replace them and The City Mgr. along with Nancy Kerry, if this happens, recovery will begin, slowly but it will begin.
You are paying the City Mgr.$ 200,000 Plus benefits to destroy your City and The Council is letting it happen.
I don’t know X Local, I think the Terry Trupp days would fall into that category as worst. Although he did help us make national news! Any press is good press, right?
The issue is revenue. Things have changed in South Lake Tahoe. No one has alternatives, so therefore we are trying things. We can’t sit back and do nothing and continue to have services deteriorate.”
THE REASON OUR CITY CHANGED,BROKE,IS IDEAS LIKE THIS ONE.Ever damn time you try something “NEW” someone else suffers for you ignorance, cost more fix your problem than the main core problem you started with IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Apples grow on trees not parking meters.
Or has this city got a new plant they want show us with dollar bills waiting to be picked.
You dug “US” the Hole how fill it up WITH SOMETHING BESIDE BROKEN PROMISES.
People will most likely park away from the meters futher inconviencing residents. Don’t personally think this will pay for itself.
I know I will never pay for parking. Its not the money, but I dont mind walking, so this is a slight push to me walking a little further. Its basic economics 101, the city council has given me an incentive to walk. Really, if you think about it, its a good thing.
For almost 20 years now I’ve had to endure hearing the City cry poor, claim they’re running as lean as possible. And then in turn always on a constant revenue grab! Then everyone scratches their heads and goes, ” Gee, we have a lousy economy (higher unemployment than the Nation’s or State’s) and business environment.”
I can’t believe how many people buy into the City’s baloney! It’s especially painful to hear someone associated with a Chamber of Commerce buy into it!
The biggest problem with the parking proposal is that it causes the City to avoid dealing with its bloated govt! If this goes thru, tourists will have less money to spend in our town. And then everyone will be back to scratching their heads wondering why business is so lousy!
Note to City poo-bahs, if these meters along Venice are to be removed for winter, then they can easily be taken out prior to that. Got i?
Tom, bet you like this idea, and the Snow Globe kerfuffle that shook pictures down off resident’s walls would have benefitted your vacation rentals. A real win-win for you, right?
For Parker:
Giving money to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenaged boys.
P.J. O’Rourke
Error: That was supposed to be, “Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenaged boys.”
Since Vail is apparently so giving to the community maybe they can start paying taxes on their lift ticket sales and really help our community.
Snow, you got better chance asking God for taxes,blinded by the light, but come on,it’s a farce PR picture.
Monopolies are like the cat,the goldfish in the bowl.
This may be changeing the subject ,but I did not know how to put this in anywhere, Do you think we can write or put down the best Drs in Lake Tahoe that know how to treat patients right ? I think this would be a good question to ask people ,I have a Dr, here in Lake Tahoe that is so kind and straight forward that needs to be listed in the paper who is good , I am sorry if I get anyone confused on this , but Drs need to be appreacited ,which I have not seen a article about the Drs we do have here ,thank you /
there is not enough parking in the city so the solution is to charge for parking with meters sounds like a great idea increase taxes on the locals and save money on installing the proper amount of parking spaces.
I really don’t understand the complaining. Have you ever been in other cities? Have you ever paid for parking in San Francisco?
I’ve paid for the parking on the site of the Marriott Timber Lodge. I have a client for a short spurt, I’ll pay and run over, though I’ve never paid for more than one hour.
Yes, it would be more convenient if the machines took dollar but could you imagine the theft? At least they do take coins because I’ve been in cities where its only debit/credit cards.
Solutions and constructive comments = good. Complaining and complaining = ugh.
Why does it make it okay just because other cities do this? This is a town that needs to cut high salaries – there’s your $300K. And too many of these high salaried folk are asking for more money because the state that they’re doing more, and a lot don’t live in the basin.
Kathy–who is your Dr.?
Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things.
South lake Tahoe is bent on destroying itself by managing it’s problems.
Raising more revenue by finding new ways to soak money out of the visitors will not solve its problems. What it will do is add to the declining reputation South Lake Tahoe has and will continue to drive visitors from choosing it as a vacation destination destination.
Until South Lake Tahoe sheds the influence of the old guard and looks for new leadership that will address the problems not manage them it will continue to decline.
The same goes for the State of California.
To XLocal: Have you ever tried anti depressant medication? You are probably the most negative and hateful person writing to this paper. Why do you care so much when you don’t even live here anymore?
Get a life…..
he’s afraid of life after the end of his entitlement when the city dissolves…
Thanks for saying what I’ve been thinking for a long time. X-Local (retired City employee?) should concentrate on trying to live an enjoyable life where they moved and not waste their time on such venomous anger. Wouldn’t it be the pits to unexpectedly drop dead in a week having spent that last week of your life being so negative and angry? X-Local needs to find some peace and happiness where they are and stop wasting their life.