South Tahoe council told economic recovery is years away

By Kathryn Reed

South Lake Tahoe’s economy won’t improve until the country’s does.

That was the message Brad Schiller, an economics professor at UNR, delivered to the South Lake Tahoe City Council on Feb. 21.

“South Lake Tahoe’s economy cannot recover on its own,” Schiller said. “That is not to say local policies don’t have some impact.”

Schiller was invited at the urging of Councilman Tom Davis. But he didn’t have any words of wisdom beyond, “I would encourage the council to adopt a pro business perspective.”

He doesn’t foresee the country returning to full employment for at least six years. That would mean dealing with the 8.3 percent unemployment rate. However, Schiller didn’t mention the percent of unemployed in the city limits is 15 and if that figure might take longer to reduce.

In other action the council:

• Received a rebate check for more than $8,000 from Liberty Energy for retrofits. The city is expected to see a savings of $10,000 a year.

• Was told by Tom Wendell, Sustainability Commission member, the council could soon expect to see an agenda item about banning plastic bags in town.