‘Warrior Breathing’ could change your life

By Kym McNichola, Forbes

Breathing right can change your life. Reading that, you might wonder, can you do it wrong? Yes. Not on purpose, of course. But if you’re constantly in a state of stress, your breathing is key to helping your body and mind manage it. When I attended this year’s Summit Series event at Squaw Valley, which is a gathering of some of the most amazing entrepreneurs and investors in the world, I made a promise to myself that I was going to have some sort of breakthrough in my life. Since my editor Steve Bertoni, who also attended the event, said I should give myself a break after interviewing quite a few executives, including X Prize Chairman Peter Diamandis and Sim City/Spore Creator Will Wright, I knew that breakthrough had to be a personal one versus professional.

That next morning I decided to sit in on a seminar on breathing. Having been in broadcasting most of my life I thought I truly knew how to breathe the “right” way, and figured it was simply a one-hour meditation session. To my surprise, it wasn’t. Turns out there’s something called, “Warrior Breathing,” which, if done right, truly clears your heart, your soul and your mind. That’s according to the founders of Do As One, which is a non-profit dedicated to teaching people how to breathe. I must’ve done something right because during the last exercise I started having a panic attack, which I’d never experienced before. At first it scared me as my eyes suddenly filled up with tears. But then I took a deep breathe in and a big smile erupted on my face.

To which co-founder, Eric Stotz said, “You just opened your heart for the first time.

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