What do you have to say about the Tahoe Rim Trail?
Stories about the Tahoe Rim Trail are being sought by Bona Fide Books for a future book.
Hikers, backpackers, cyclists, equestrians, trail builders and anyone else with an experience from the 165-mile trail that wraps around Lake Tahoe is invited to submit a story. It may be humorous, about natural history, epiphanies, trials and tribulations, wildlife, weather or anything else.
The deadline is Dec. 1. Stories should not exceed 5,000 words. Send them to submissions@bonafidebooks.com.
A portion of the proceeds will go to the Tahoe Rim Trail Association.
For more information, go online.
The environmental harm caused by people tramping over the TRT can never be recouped and it is now known positively that extreme global warming is a result of too much excercise and healthy living.