Boys & Girls Club initiating drum corps for youths

Liz Broscoe, Eric Hellburg and John Shafer are teaming up to bring more drumming to Lake Tahoe Boys & Girls Club. These are three long-time professional drummers with a desire to make a difference by exposing kids to music rather than more technology.

Broscoe will direct South Lake Tahoe’s only marching drum corps — Boys and Girls Club Marching Beat Brigade. Beginning April 18, students in grades 8-12 will have the opportunity to be involved with this project. No experience is needed, just a strong desire to learn and participate. The drum corps will meet every Wednesday from 4-5pm at the Boys & Girls Club for an initial eight-week program.

Starting in April, Hellburg will be offering a drum set class on Friday afternoons. Shafer will be assisting in both new rhythmic endeavors.

Additionally, South Tahoe High School student Rose Campion, an accomplished musician in her own right, will be working with this team, engaging her fellow high school musicians to join the drum corps.

The project is being launched with seed money through the El Dorado Community Foundation/Joan Rochelle Tahoe fund to purchase four drums and essential accessories. To date, six additional marching band drums have been donated. All three professional musicians are volunteering their time to launch these projects.

To learn more about the Drum Corps, how to join, or donate to the project, go online or contact Karen Houser at You can also support Broscoe in the woman’s drumming contest Hit Like a Girl 2012. Go online to vote for Liz Broscoe. If she wins, Broscoe will donate music equipment to programs at the Boys & Girls Club and LTCC from the $10,000 worth of prizes. Last day to vote is April 15.