California’s small businesses worried about state’s economy


By Darrell Smith, Sacramento Bee

A majority of small-business executives remain pessimistic about California’s prospects, weighed down by concern about the economy, education and health care, a new survey found.

Nearly two-thirds of executives surveyed by Small Business California, a San Francisco advocacy group, said the state is headed in the wrong direction.

Fifty-six percent of respondents said they think California’s economy will either remain unchanged or grow worse in the next three years.

“Clearly, they don’t think the climate is very good,” said Scott Hauge, Small Business California president. “The silver lining is that it’s a little better than last year.”

Small-business owners’ pessimism reached its height in the 2009 survey, when more than 80 percent of respondents said California was on the wrong course.

That sentiment has steadily decreased in the three polls since, and some businesses are hopeful amid the anxiety.

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Comments (8)
  1. Citizen Kane says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    “on the wrong course” sounds more like a moral aprobation rather then a reasoned comment on economic policies or trends – can people discuss anything without using conservative/progressive rhetoric?

  2. JoeStirumup says - Posted: March 23, 2012


    Interesting – how does “on the wrong course” become the issue in your mind?

    Over taxed, over regulated, and already ranked among the least “free” states in the nation and continuing to add regulations and taxes…

    That sounds like the wrong course to me, of course then again if you want a prosperous, thriving, expanding economy it is the wrong course.

    I left California to restart my business and found lots of better places to be.

    Not only lower taxes and less regulation and less leftist haters I found that there is a far higher level of “thinkers and doers”.

  3. U Stripum Joe says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    I found that there is a far higher level of “thinkers and doers”.

    I live in a forest, but that doesn’t make me a tree!

  4. JoeStirumup says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    I find in many ways on these posts that there are two types of people, those who deal with issues and those that attack people.

    You can in many ways judge a persons character by assessing what they focus on, issues or attacking other people based on their views.

    In this case the issue is the business climate of the State of California.

    I stand by my assessment of the state of the CA business climate; Declining.

  5. santorum says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    Oh Joe I SO Very much agree with your point of view which is, as always, SO much like Me! People should find their one Big Issue(like your hatred of California and especially those horrible libs) and incessantly repeat the same fact-free diatribe day after day. Keep up the good work and your laser-like focus on “The Issue”.

  6. U Stripum Joe says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    “I find in many ways on these posts that there are two types of people, those who deal with issues and those that attack people.”

    By the example below of just a few of your recent past posts you seem to fall into the latter of the two above categories!

    February 28, 2012 at 9:36 am

    I am not in congress- dingbat.
    South Tahoe is full of stupid, you fit in.

    February 28, 2012 at 9:38 am

    Blueguano – I am also not a progressive liberal either – your analogy is idiotic.

    February 28, 2012 at 5:25 pm

    A great question, stupid answer.

    March 4, 2012 at 6:17 pm

    John, I know math and I know finance
    What do you know johnny?

    March 5, 2012 at 5:21 pm

    Tahoe is the land of talk, talk, talk – all this stuff has been talked about for years.
    The Tahoe community fits the definition of insanity, you keep doing the same things over and over again and expect different results.

  7. Hangs Ups From Way Back says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    Joe it gives people something to do.

    To be honest, there’s more commutation done here than the frigging airport city hall.

  8. JoeStirumup says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    The issue remains the same,

    “A majority of small-business executives remain pessimistic about California’s prospects, weighed down by concern about the economy, education and health care, a new survey found.”

    South Lake Tahoe is in many ways the poster child for what has gone wrong with the state, As part of El Dorado County with the excessive governmental and agency influence that has lead to the El Dorado County crony society and it has become an epicenter for the battle between environmental extremists and a free market economy.

    Just look at the history of the county Chamber of Commerce. PG and E has had a leadership role in that group for close to thirty years. What does a monopolistic company like PG and E know about free markets? NOTHING. For that matter what does the county superintendent of schools know about free Market economy? The school systems are a big part of the problem in CA… dah!

    (FYI – Free markets does not mean unregulated)

    I contend that Reagan was right,

    Government is not the solution it is the problem.