El Dorado County Grand Jury budget more than doubles

The El Dorado County Grand Jury’s budget has more than doubled from what supervisors originally approved.

The 2011-12 budget was for $40,422. But halfway through the fiscal year the jury spent the allocation that was supposed to last through June 30.

In January per court orders the Board of Supervisors added $12,000 to the grand jury budget.

Since then another $41,398 has been allocated for the grand jury to complete its job.

“The money comes out of our contingency, our set aside for economic uncertainties,” Mike Applegarth, the county’s principal administrative analyst, said.

Applegarth told Lake Tahoe News a budget of about $90,000 for the grand jury is likely to be put into the 2012-13 budget.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report