Opinion: California should be more like Texas


By Chuck DeVore

One in five Americans calls California or Texas home. The two most populous states have a lot in common: a long coast, a sunny climate, a diverse population, plenty of oil in the ground, and Mexico to the south. Where they diverge is in their governance.

For six years ending in 2010, I represented almost 500,000 people in California’s Legislature. I was vice chairman of the Assembly Committee on Revenue and Taxation and served on the Budget Committee. I was even a lieutenant colonel in the state’s National Guard. Before serving in Sacramento, I worked as an executive in California’s aerospace industry.

I moved to Texas late last year, joining the 2 million Californians who have packed up for greener pastures in the past ten years, with Texas the most common destination.

In his State-of-the-State address this January, California Gov. Jerry Brown said, “Contrary to those declinists who sing of Texas and bemoan our woes, California is still the land of dreams. … It’s the place where Apple … and countless other creative companies all began.”

Fast forward to March: Apple announced it was building a $304 million campus in Austin with plans to hire 3,600 people to staff it, more than doubling its Texas workforce.

California may be dreaming, but Texas is working.

California’s elected officials are particularly adept at dreaming up ways to spend other people’s money. While the state struggles with interminable deficits caused by years of reckless spending, the argument in Sacramento isn’t over how to reduce government; rather, it’s over how much to raise taxes and on whom. Brown is pushing for a tax increase of $6.9 billion per year, to appear on November’s ballot. California’s powerful government-employee unions and Molly Munger, a wealthy civil-rights attorney (wealthy by dint of being the daughter of Warren Buffett’s business partner) are offering two competing tax-hike plans. The silver lining may be that having three tax hikes on the ballot will turn voters off all of them.

Meanwhile, lawmakers in Texas are grappling with a fiscal question of an entirely different sort: whether or not to spend some of the $6 billion set aside in the state’s rainy-day fund.

California’s government-employee unions routinely spend tens of millions of dollars at election time to maintain their hold on power. In Texas, the government unions are weak and don’t have collective bargaining, leaving trial attorneys as the main source of funding for Lone Star Democrats.

California’s habit of raising taxes to fund a burgeoning regulatory state isn’t without impact on its economy. Californians fork over about 10.6 percent of their income to state and local governments, above the U.S. average of 9.8 percent. Texans pay 7.9 percent. This affects the bottom line of both consumers and businesses.

With that money, Californians pay for more government. The number of non-education bureaucrats in California is close to the national average, at 252 per 10,000 people. Texas gets by with a bureaucracy 22 percent smaller: 196 per 10,000.

Of course, having more government employees means making more government rules. According to a 2009 study commissioned by the California legislature, state regulations cost almost $500 billion per year, or five times the state’s general-fund budget. These regulations ding the average small business for some $134,122 a year in compliance and opportunity costs.

While California has more bureaucrats, Texas has 17 percent more teachers, with 295 education employees per 10,000 people, compared to California’s 252.

The two states’ educational outcomes reflect this disparity. If we compare national test scores in math, science, and reading for the fourth and eighth grades among four basic ethnic and racial categories — all students, whites, Hispanics, and African-Americans — Texas beats California in every category, and by a substantial margin. In fact, Texas schools perform consistently above the national average across categories of age, race, and subject matter, while California schools perform well below the national average.

Apologists for the Golden State frequently point to Texas’s flourishing oil and gas industry as the reason for its success. Texas does lead the nation in proven oil reserves, but California ranks third. The real difference isn’t in geology but in public policy: Californians have decided to make it difficult to extract the oil under their feet.

Further, contrary to popular opinion, California’s refineries routinely produce a greater value of product than do refineries in Texas, mainly because the special gasoline blends that California requires are more costly.

Another advantage that Texas enjoys over California is in its civil-justice system. In 2002, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ranked Texas’s legal system 46th in the nation, just behind California’s, which was 45th. Texas went to work improving its lawsuit environment, enacting major medical-malpractice reforms in 2003. Texas’s ranking consequently jumped 10 places in eight years, while California’s dropped to 46th. In the last legislative session, Texas lawmakers passed a landmark loser-pays provision, which promises to further curtail frivolous lawsuits.

While California seeks more ways to tax success, it excels at subsidizing poverty. The percentage of households receiving public assistance in California was 3.7 percent in 2009, double Texas’s rate of 1.8 percent. Almost one-third of all Americans on welfare reside in California.

With this in mind, it makes perfect sense that only 18 percent of the Democrats who control both houses of California’s full-time legislature worked in business or medicine before being elected. The remainder drew paychecks from government, worked as community organizers, or were attorneys.

In Texas, with its part-time legislature, 75 percent of the Republicans who control both houses earn a living in business, farming, or medicine, with 19 percent being attorneys in private practice. Texas Democrats are more than twice as likely as their California counterparts to claim private-sector experience outside the field of law.

That Texas’s Legislature is run by makers and California’s by takers is glaringly obvious from the two states’ respective balance sheets.

Chuck DeVore served in the California Assembly from 2004 to 2010 and was a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2010. He is currently a visiting senior fellow in fiscal policy at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.


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Comments (15)
  1. dogwoman says - Posted: March 21, 2012

    If only Texas had California’s climate. But then, if it did, it would have more Californians moving there and turning it right into California, along with all the demands and problems of this state.

  2. biggerpicture says - Posted: March 21, 2012

    Dog, now Texas is a state without any tall peaks! Got plenty of beach though.

  3. Hangs Ups From Way Back says - Posted: March 21, 2012

    It has power, oil rules your life all the way up here in hobos ville.
    Just keep counting the money enjoy the European views, watch this taco town imitated culture as Only the Alps can provide.

  4. Not Born on the Bayou says - Posted: March 21, 2012

    Texas,,,,oh boy.

    Been to Houston, what a nasty pit. Almost got sick from the fumes, and lost among the endless strip malls.

    Didn’t they just have a massive slash to overcome their $28 billion or so deficit?

    Rick Perry, W., mmm hmm.

    Love those endless 100 degree days.

    Hope you’re thrilled ’cause you saved a couple percent on yer taxes.

    I know I will be, enjoying the countless amenities of the golden state instead.

    Hey, to each his own.

  5. Living in Tahoe says - Posted: March 21, 2012

    From a CNNMoney article:

    While it’s true that Texas is responsible for 40% of the jobs added in the U.S. over the past two years, its poverty rate also grew faster than the national average in 2010.

    Texas ranks 6th in terms of people living in poverty. Some 18.4% of Texans were impoverished in 2010, up from 17.3% a year earlier, according to Census Bureau data released this week. The national average is 15.1%.

    And being poor in Texas isn’t easy. The state has one of the lowest rates of spending on its citizens per capita and the highest share of those lacking health insurance.

    Some 550,000 workers last year were paid at or below the federal minimum wage of $7.25, more than double the number making those wages in 2008, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For someone working full-time, that’s just over $15,000 a year before taxes, which is under the poverty line for a single parent with two children.

    Some 9.5% of Texas’ hourly workforce are minimum-wage workers, the highest percentage in the nation — a dubious title it shares with Mississippi.

    Looks like a great state in live in!

  6. X LOCAL says - Posted: March 22, 2012

    If you want your State to pay the highest TAXES in the country and let the Unions run your State, VOTE DEMOCRAT, if you want to have a balanced budget and lower TAXES, VOTE REPUBLICAN

  7. biggerpicture says - Posted: March 22, 2012

    X Local, 6 years under The govenator (repub) and how much less are we paying? Your theory just doesn’t play out!

  8. 30yrlocal says - Posted: March 22, 2012

    Silver linings…..imagine having to pay the insurance on a home in Texas. Their rates are through the roof!

  9. Michael Clark says - Posted: March 22, 2012

    California’s problems do not simply come from high taxes. The problems come from trying to support social benefits that attract low-income people to use those social benefits. Further, of course, those same low-income people do not pay taxes to support the freebies that they receive. What California needs to do is reduce the attraction for low-income people by reducing the freebies.

    I sure don’t want to be like Texas in any way, Thank you. And if republicans being in power somehow guarantees low taxes and efficient government, why is it that after 8 years of Federal government republicans, we are were still deep in debt after Mr. Bush left office? Politicians love to spend money, it is hardly a democrat or republican habit. It is a politician’s bad habit.

  10. Honkylonk says - Posted: March 22, 2012

    California actually used our tax dollars to send a “fact-finding” delegation (including our esteemed Lt. Governor, Gavin Newsom) to Texas in an effort to discover why so many California businesses were leaving to relocate to there. So we’ll give the “Sactoadies” points for at least grasping the fact that there’s a problem here in the “Once-upon-a-time-Golden-State”, but then they lose them all for not already recognizing the obvious.

    Sacramento…run by a “bunch a’ maroons”.

  11. Citizen Kane says - Posted: March 22, 2012

    “While California has more bureaucrats, Texas has 17 percent more teachers, with 295 education employees per 10,000 people, compared to California’s 252.”

    guess it takes more teachers to convince even Texas folks the dinosaurs were here 4000 years ago!

  12. biggerpicture says - Posted: March 22, 2012

    It’s funny how everyone loves to hate California, even Californians! Having said that, I haven’t noticed a mass exodus from the state, has anyone else? Go figure. Personally I’m quite proud to be a native Californian!

    C K, NICE!

  13. X LOCAL says - Posted: March 22, 2012

    Is right about California attracting all of the poor for the benefits we give to them.

    But wrong about the Debt being Bush’s fault, Obama has done in 3 years what it took Bush 8 years to do, and you want 4 more years of that ?????????

  14. Michael Clark says - Posted: March 22, 2012

    I never said that the debt was Mr. Bush’s fault. Please stop with the blame game. The politicians are to blame.

  15. Honkylonk says - Posted: March 22, 2012


    The population of California grew 10% between 2000 and 2010, while non-farm employment during roughly the same period fell .4%. You’re not seeing the exodus because all the “Makers” moving out are more than being replaced by all the “Takers” moving in. The productive are leaving and taking their businesses, jobs and key personnel with them, and the unproductive continue to arrive daily to cash in on those generous “entitlements”. As pointed out in the article, “Almost one-third of all Americans on welfare reside in California.”

    California is on an unsustainable trajectory, and the US is on the same path, just a few years behind. The feds are also blessed with the power to crank up those presses to print money, a luxury which California cannot access.

    If Californians stupidly vote to raise taxes in the upcoming election it will only accelerate the exodus, but then common sense has never stood in the way of liberal greed. It never occurs to them to cut spending, in their minds budget shortfalls can only be remedied by a revenue increase.