Opinion: KidZone Museum in financial quagmire

To the community,

This is the first time in seven years we have had to ask our families for emergency support. We are critically low on funds and have already completed all our major fundraising.

However, donations were lower than expected due to the economy and we currently only have $7,000 in our bank account and our staff and myself have already cut our hours to help with this situation.

Our unexpended government grant is restricted to science programs and one science employee. This money is not in the bank – we spend it and the grantor reimburses us. We need to raise $10,000 until additional funding comes in June. We have never had reserves, and always live month-to-month on a very conservative budget. We have been conservative in our expenses, but it does not take much to be in our current situation.

The good part is, it does not take much to get us above water either. If you can give the museum a donation this week, it will help us tremendously. Contact me or you can send your donation to 11711 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, CA 96161.


Carol Meagher, KidZone Museum executive director