Pacing yourself on your next ski trip

By Jess Higgins Kelley, MNT, SKI magazine

Don't overdo on your ski vacation.

Sometimes, the anticipation surrounding a ski trip creates a type of pressure that detonates the first night of vacation. Here’s what happens: arrival in a ski town, off the plane and direct to the slope side hotel. This is immediately followed by an indecent amount of cocktailing and pizza eating with old pals in effort to blow off steam accumulated by wrapping up work projects needed to get away. The next morning – well, ouch. But you drag yourself out of bed, get an extra shot in your coffee, hit the slopes with half-drunk vigor, and chase it all with a couple beers. The following morning, with sore muscles, slight nausea, and a black diamond headache, you successfully talk yourself out of skiing – it’s a little cold and icy anyway. Vacation is ruined, you feel sick the rest of the week.

The good news is this scenario doesn’t have to be reality. Let’s look at some easy strategies you can implement in order to ensure your next ski trip is spent actually skiing, and not throwing up and watching TV in a dark hotel room.

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