Photography group focusing on inspiring each other

PhotoFocus is a group of South Shore photography enthusiasts. Beginners, advanced and professional photographers gather each month to show, share, and inspire each others photography.

Toasting Emerald Bay. Photo/Justin Baer

A monthly theme motivates the group to go out and shoot. Theme images are shown at the following meeting, with attendees voting on their top picks. Image critique is offered during the presentation, but not required. The winner gets to pick the next month’s theme.

Guest speakers are invited to share their knowledge of photography and related subjects including the latest image processing software, equipment, and techniques.

PhotoFocus’ main objective is to be inspired to get out and have fun making photos. Field trips are organized during the year and workshops are offered by the more advanced members.

PhotoFocus is open to everyone who has an interest in photography. For time and meeting location, contact Theresa Souers at or Jim Stamates at or (530) 577.4101.