Placer County hires firm to market agricultural assets

Placer County is embracing its agricultural attributes.

Agricultural Commissioner Joshua Huntsinger encouraged the Board of Supervisors to select a contractor who will do agricultural marketing for Placer County.

After a competitive recruitment process, Merlot Marketing of Sacramento was selected from 10 applicants. The Board of Supervisors has approved the $79,995 contract, which will run from March 13, 2012, until June 30, 2013.

“Agriculture in Placer County is a $65 million a year industry,” Huntsinger said in a press release. “Our goal is to assist farmers in remaining profitable and increase their sales. This is a significant boost to our economy.”

Merlot Marketing will work with agricultural organizations, as well as individual farmers and ranchers to promote local products and events that feature those products. The marketing effort will use local, regional and national media to tout the benefits and uniqueness of Placer County-grown produce and products made from that produce.

The marketing program, which began in 2001, continued annually until 2009, when difficult economic times forced its suspension.