Snippets about Lake Tahoe

• Stardust Lodge will be before the South Lake Tahoe Planning Commission on March 8 at 3pm at Lake Tahoe Airport requesting its sign be grandfathered in under the “unique sign” designation.

• Tracy Rhine, 39, of El Dorado has been appointed by Gov. Jerry Brown as deputy director of Legislative and Policy Review for the California Department of Consumer Affairs. This position does not require Senate confirmation and the compensation is $103,008.

• Preschool Storytime at the South Lake Tahoe library is every Friday through April 27 at 11am. This is 30 minutes of stories, games and crafts suitable for ages 3-5.

• Zildjian S. Borromeo, a 2010 graduate of South Tahoe High School, was recently promoted to Navy seaman apprentice.

A Massage at Tahoe has a new website.

• Organizers of the almost 30-year-old Lake Tahoe Music Festival are no longer going to put on the event because of competition from other events and financial concerns.