Website geared to teaching about dangers of drugs


South Lake Tahoe web developer Hanna Bernard created to help educate local parents and teens about the imminent threat of drugs in the area..

After hearing a presentation by Officer Rebecca Inman about drug use among Lake Tahoe teens, Bernard was inspired to create the site.

“The presentation was such an eye-opener that I felt I had to do something to spread this very ­important information to other parents,” Bernard said in a statement. “What do we need to know to protect our ­children? How do we identify the signs of drug use? What does these drugs look like and smell like? and What clues should we not miss?”

Bernard put the answers on the website. She worked with South Tahoe police officers as well as Lake Tahoe Unified and South Tahoe High officials on the site.




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Comments (8)
  1. JoAnn says - Posted: March 14, 2012

    We are pleased at the police response to information for our community. The South Tahoe Chamber of Commerce sponsored this informative luncheon to create awareness and help provide education.Thank you, Hanna and Officer Inman, for taking it a step further for our community.

  2. Lisa Huard says - Posted: March 14, 2012

    The more you know, the more we can help our kids. Research shows that the longer we can keep kids from experimenting, the better their chances of never becoming users. Drug use by our youth costs all of us: in lives and financially. It’s everyone’s responsibility to learn. It’s everyone’s respnsibility to look after our kids. Great resource Hanna. Thank you for coordinating the effort and providing a site for our community.

  3. dogwoman says - Posted: March 15, 2012

    “Research shows that the longer we can keep kids from experimenting, the better their chances of never becoming users.”

    The BEST way to keep kids from experimenting with drugs is for those children’s parents to be married and involved. Good intentions from outside agencies can never compensate for parents who pay attention to what their children are doing, stay involved in their day to day activities, and practice what they preach. Single parenthood is to be avoided, not admired.

  4. biggerpicture says - Posted: March 15, 2012

    Have to diagree Dogwoman! I’m a single parent with two children, one a college graduate working in the field of the degree he holds, and another that is a straight A student in middle school. Your statement (like many you make) is making a generalized assumption about an issue. I know kids that didn’t fair so well when it came to drug use, and they came from a two parent family, yet I wouldn’t make the statement that being a two parent family is to be avoided.

  5. dogwoman says - Posted: March 15, 2012

    Disagree all you like. Statistics back me up. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, thank goodness, or our society would be in even deeper s#1% than it already is, with the huge numbers of single parent households. Glad you’ve succeeded where so many fail. But facts are facts.

  6. 30yrlocal says - Posted: March 16, 2012

    I’m with bigger..and congrats! I too am a single parent with 3 college graduates and a straight A middle school student. My older kids never experimented with drugs, and still haven’t, never drank in high school and are great kids.

    Dog, your comments are so judgmental and generalized. Maybe statistics that include the ghettos of large cities lean your direction, but if you take single families where the parent is of a higher education level and a higher and live in a nice community like Lake Tahoe

    I’m sure you’ll find them different. Every child I’ve ever heard of getting into drugs in this town came from a family with 2 parents. Parents should teach their kids about drugs and be involved with their school and activities. You get a committed parent you get a child that knows the difference between right and wrong whether that parent is single or married.

  7. biggerpicture says - Posted: March 16, 2012


    Remember what Maark Twain said, “Ther are lies, damn lies, and statistics!”

  8. HANG UPS FROM WAY BACK says - Posted: March 16, 2012

    damn lies.Boy that was fast!
    Making a point.Angels DON’T grow on trees.