Snippets about Lake Tahoe
• South Tahoe Public Utility District is having a 6pm May 10 meeting to go over its budget. A 5 percent increase in sewer rates and 2 percent hike in water rates are being proposed.
• Tahoe City Downtown Association’s 2nd annual Farm to Table Dinner is July 10. More information is online.
• Truckee needs poll workers. Call (530) 265.1298 for info and to sign up.
• Volunteer drivers are needed for home delivered meal service in South Lake Tahoe. For information, call (530) 621.6160.
• Northstar’s Mountain Bike and Hike Park is scheduled to open June 15. Weather and conditions permitting, and will be open Friday through Sunday until July 1 when it will be open daily until Aug. 19. Following that, the park will resume Friday through Sunday operations until Oct. 7.