Babysitters need to know escape plan
When you leave your children in the care of a babysitter, take time to cue the babysitter to your family’s escape plan. Discuss the floor plan of your house, and leave the phone number where you can be reached.
Explain the family fire safety plans to your babysitter. If the smoke detector sounds, nobody should try to find the fire, much less try to put it out.
Make it clear that your only concern is that everyone gets out of the house quickly and safely.
The South Lake Tahoe Fire Department urges you to spend time preparing your family to be fire safe this year.
— Sallie Ross-Filgo, SLTFD Dont forget to have working smoke detectors. Have a plan and practice with your kids its so important. Thanks Sallie good tips. The Red Cross offers a great baby sitter course that includes CPR.