Barton Health accepting grant applications

In an effort to impact the health of local residents, Barton Health is providing grant funding to programs and organizations that benefit those communities that are underserved and/or can have the greatest impact on the health of our community at large.

In this grant cycle consideration will be given to programs that address the community’s most pressing health needs such as obesity, nutrition and physical fitness, oral health, food and shelter, and mental health. In addition the following criteria will be considered when reviewing applications:

• The sustainability of the project should you not receive grant funding in future years.

• The long term effect i.e. “teach them to fish vs. giving them a fish” of the project/program.

• Is the program leveraging other funding sources vs. solely relying on the Barton Health Grant?

• Is the program innovative and does it inspire other community organizations to take on similar programs?

• Past applicants/recipients may apply but we will need to see a significant difference in the proposed program.

• The objective is to fund projects that serve a large subset of our community. Generally between five and 10 organizations receive grants.

Barton Health Grant proposals are reviewed by the Barton Community Advisory Committee and the final grant recipients will be approved by the Barton Health Board of Directors. Funding for Barton Health Grants is provided by Barton Health through a gift from the Barton Foundation. The total grant amount available for 2012 is $25,000.

Grant proposals will be accepted until June 29. Grantees will be notified in September and awards will be given at the Philanthropy Day Celebration, Nov. 2.

Grant proposals may be submitted online or in person at the Barton Foundation office at 2092 Lake Tahoe Blvd., Ste. 600, South Lake Tahoe.

For more information, call Kindle Craig at (530) 543.5612.