Explosive device doesn’t keep S. Tahoe pot club from opening
By Kathryn Reed
All three marijuana dispensaries in South Lake Tahoe are back in business. Patient2Patient had to clean up a mess left from an incendiary device being thrown into the collective Thursday and City of Angels 2 was hopping Friday afternoon after closing for a couple weeks.
With April 20 having significance in the world of pot users – they call it four-20 – it’s not known if whoever is responsible for causing damage to Patient2Patient wanted to stop today from happening at least at this one collective.
If that was the desire, it didn’t work. The collective is open today.
In fact, owner Erika Triglia was too busy helping someone to be able to speak with Lake Tahoe News.
Four-20’s historical roots are muddied, with different theories as to how it came to be a date of significance to marijuana advocates.
Police officers are investigating the April 19 10:15pm incident. Lt. David Stevenson told Lake Tahoe News this crime has nothing to with the explosive device found last week on Tallac Avenue.
Two employees of Patient2Patient were in the building when the explosive was hurled through a side window. A small fire started, but overall the damage was minimal, according to Stevenson.
Down the road and on Third Street at City of Angels 2 people were coming and going from the collective. Owner Gino DeMatteo had abruptly and obviously temporarily shut down the facility earlier this month.
On April 20 he told Lake Tahoe News he didn’t owe anyone a reason why he closed and is back open.