Help for adults, teens in El Dorado County needing a job

The El Dorado County Connections One Stop Resource Center is hosting two informational meetings for unemployed, underemployed or dislocated workers and youth in El Dorado County regarding the availability of tuition, on-the-job training and other supportive services through the federal Workforce Investment Act.

The informational sessions are free and as follows:

• April 25 from 3-5pm for youth ages 17-21 at the El Dorado County Public Library located at 345 Fair Lane in Placerville.

• May 8 from 10am-noon for youth and adults at the El Dorado County Public Library located at 345 Fair Lane in Placerville.

Although not required, participants are encouraged to reserve a spot at one of the informational sessions. For more information, or to make a reservation, call (530) 642.4897.

The WIA program serves youth and adults. The youth program is open to people ages 17-21; a 17-year-old must be a senior in high school. Adults who participate in the program must be able to support themselves while in training.

Those who cannot attend one of the informational sessions may visit the Connections One Stop Resource Center and ask to speak to a WIA staff member. The Connections One Stop Resource Center is located at 3047 Briw Road in Placerville and at 3368 Lake Tahoe Blvd., No. 202, in South Lake Tahoe. The offices are open from 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Tahoe residents may call (530) 573.4335 for additional information.