Lahontan hires executive director from outside Tahoe basin

By Kathryn Reed

The Lahontan Water Quality Control Board has hired an executive director from outside the agency to replace Harold Singer who is retiring.

Patty Zwarts will be leaving her position with CalRecyle where she works in the Materials Management and Local Assistance Division. She was not available for comment.

Patty Zwarts

It’s possible she will be at the Lahontan staff meeting next week.

The board made the decision Thursday morning. Board President Don Jardine did not return a phone call.

Singer told Lake Tahoe News he does not know when his last day will be. A start date for Zwarts has not been set either.

Lake Tahoe News first reported about Singer’s impending departure in December.

Asked April 12 if he had anything to say about his long tenure with the water board, Singer said he would have to think about it. He did say he plans to spend more time with family and friends, and enjoying Tahoe.

Zwarts has experience working with the state water board. And with CalRecycle and the water board being under the CalEPA, she is quite familiar with the parent organization.

Zwarts grew up in the Salinas area, then went to CSU Sacramento where in 1983 she earned a degree in government.

Before going to work for CalRecycle she was deputy secretary as well as assistant secretary for Policy and Legislation with CalEPA. Zwarts was the director of legislative and external affairs at the California Integrated Waste Management Board. Zwarts previously served as legislative manager and legislative analyst at CIWMB and the state Water Resources Control Board.