Nevada highway deaths increasing

By John Potter, Channel 2 News

Recently, the Nevada Strategic Highway Safety Plan was developed, with the goal of zero traffic deaths on Nevada roads. But the numbers are going the opposite direction, just ahead of a dangerous season for drivers.

Spend a few minutes on Nevada roads and highways, and you’ll quickly discover that many drivers really could use a remedial course in drivers education. The way the statewide accident numbers are looking this year, it’s becoming a serious, dangerous issue.

Statewide, traffic fatalities are up by nearly a 3rd this year compared to the same time last year. So far in 2012, 77 people have died in Nevada traffic accidents…18 more than last year. Nevada traffic fatalities:

2012 to date: 77.

2011 same period: 59 (246 total for year).

It’s a gruesome head start, and it comes right before the most dangerous time on the roads. Warmer weather brings more pedestrians, bicycles, and motorcycles, mixing in with too many drivers who just hit the gas and throw out the rules of the road. As motorcyclist Scott Alquist told us, “Cars just don’t see bikes. We’re invisible.”

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