Opinion: A deeper truth under the hoodies

By Phil Taylor, Sports Illustrated

What do you see, America? What do you see when 13 black males stand before you, their faces partially obscured by hoodies? Do you see a group or a gang? Men or menace? Such a powerful image circulated last week, a kind of team photo never seen before: the Miami Heat players in their black, team-issued hoodies, heads bowed both in mourning and protest over the death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed African-American teenager who was shot to death on Feb. 26 in Sanford, Fla. LeBron James, who came up with the idea along with Dwyane Wade, posted the picture on Twitter last Friday, with the hashtags #WeAreTrayvonMartin, #Hoodies, #Stereotyped and #WeWantJustice. The photo was a statement, but also a question: Look at us, America. Pretend you don’t know us as LBJ, D-Wade and friends. Pretend you don’t know us at all. What do you see?

Trayvon was killed by George Zimmerman, 28, a neighborhood watch volunteer of Caucasian and Latino descent who apparently found something threatening about a skinny, 17-year-old black kid walking down a street of middle-class townhouses in a hooded sweatshirt. The tragedy became a flash point for age-old anger about the treatment of African-Americans by whites and police. It wasn’t just the shooting but also the seeming indifference of investigators. Why, even considering the Florida law that gives wide latitude for the use of force, had Zimmerman not been arrested? Why had police accepted his claim of self-defense even though he was carrying a gun and Trayvon reportedly was packing only Skittles and a can of iced tea? Why had Zimmerman continued to follow Trayvon against the advice of a police dispatcher?

When the Heat photo hit the Internet, it felt as if everyone involved stopped talking for a moment and did a double-take, surprised that athletes would dare join the discussion. We have become accustomed, after all, to players backing away from political and social issues, as if in a prevent defense. Remember when Latino baseball players threatened to boycott the 2011 All-Star Game in Phoenix to protest a controversial Arizona immigration law? It never happened. Or when Michael Jordan declined to make an endorsement in a hotly contested 1990 North Carolina senate race, reportedly explaining, “Republicans buy shoes too”? Most of the greatest stars—think Jeter, Tiger, Brady—have been alike in their neutrality, as it had been with James and Wade.

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This article was written by admin


Comments (39)
  1. Citizen Kane says - Posted: April 7, 2012

    I think the real truth here is no one knows yet what really happened between those two young men – for example the article here says martin was walking down the street, but there have also been press reports he was walking behind the houses? Behind them and woods? a parking lot? This certainy makes a difference in terms of level of suspicion. And just because someone is unarmed doesnt mean they can’t do you a lot of bodily harm. If in fact someone is beating the crap out of you, I guess that would be the reason to carry a gun to begin with no? So anyway, the point is although on the surface this has all the makings of a tragic circumstance resulting from racial stereotypes – no one in the general public has any idea what really happened yet? But details and nuance are something Americans dont seem to have patience for anymore – otherwise we may have never have sent US troops to die and kill on Iraqi soil, let alone conduct investigations and trials in the arena of public opinion.

  2. snoheather says - Posted: April 7, 2012

    The truth is some vigilante with a gun decided to shoot someone’s son. The idea that is was self defense is absurd. Zimmerman had a gun, was in a car, followed the kid, got out of the car, got in a altercation that could have been avoided, shot someone’s son, and then claims it was self defense. Really? So, apparently Trayvon had no right to self defense? The fact of the matter is Zimmerman should of been, and still should be, arrested. People who are coming to his defense need to open their eyes and realize that a kid is dead because of Zimmerman’s actions and Trayvon had every reason to defend himself from this armed vigilante.

  3. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 7, 2012


    you ought to review the facts before you throw out your vial ignorance.

  4. U Stripum Joe says - Posted: April 7, 2012

    Tsk, tsk Joe! The person who claims he abhors those that attack others on these threads is once again attacking someone AND using slanderous name calling tactics!

    And Snoheather has a point. The minute Mr. Zimmermen stepped out of his car after being told by the police NOT to do so and give up his chase of Trayvon, he ventured into the realm of vigilante-ism.

  5. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 7, 2012

    Sometimes i feel bad when in the course of my travel promotion business I talk down the south shore and encourage people to go to the north shore, I feel maybe I should tone it down.

    Then I read stuff from this type of indoctrinated, self appointed know it all trash ^ and I don’t feel bad about talking it down anymore …

  6. U Stripum Joe says - Posted: April 7, 2012

    Joe, at least YOU don’t fall into the self appointed “Know it all trash” category, because I’m quite sure that the majority of those posting here WOULD APPOINT YOU as “Know it all TRASH”!

  7. snoheather says - Posted: April 7, 2012

    I cannot believe that this kind of attack is going on on this site. I posted the facts as I see them and am called an “ignorant loudmouth bimbo”?
    I may be a vocal person who puts my opinion out there but I most certainly am not the ignorant one here.

    Joe grow up.

  8. admin says - Posted: April 7, 2012


    It is time for you to grow up. Your attacks are uncalled for.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  9. Michael Lee says - Posted: April 7, 2012

    Thank you Kathryn for saying this! Same old voices with no names. Use your names to back up your narrow minded cheap shots, if ya got the heart. Otherwise, keep it civil or just keep your mouth shut.
    Thank you Kae for the LTN news site, i appreciate it and learn from your articles. Keep it up.

  10. Alex Campbell says - Posted: April 7, 2012

    Kae ! Snoheather At 10:17AM had the facts. The other would have preferred that she comment similar to the second para of the Phil Taylor piece.

    snoheather !!! Think about the Repubtriotic War on Women !
    Another attack today by Gov. Scott Walker.
    No more Equal Pay for Equal work

  11. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 7, 2012


    You ought to be less liberally biased.

    Snoheather doesn’t have the facts??? that is idiotic and bull.


    GIVE ME A BREAK that is stupid. But then again it is California. Glad I am gone.

    The liberal press is drummin up a race war.

    TRY THIS FACT ON- NBC was forced to fire someone over the editing of the 911 call. It won’t stop there either.

    Any of you know that?

  12. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 7, 2012

    Alex, have you heard the term New Castrada?


  13. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 7, 2012

    There is a reason South Lake Tahoe is one of the most messed up communities in America…

    … and it’s not the water.

  14. snoheather says - Posted: April 7, 2012

    Joe since you hate South Lake Tahoe so much why do you read the news from here? Maybe you should stop bothering yourself with what is going on in such a horrible place.

  15. Steven says - Posted: April 7, 2012

    Why have Jeb Bush, George’s brother and former gov of Florida, and the Florida congress escaped scrutiny? They are the ones who gave Zimmerman his bravado with the “stand your ground” law. No matter the congresses supposed intention, the law makes he men out of mice.

  16. thing fish says - Posted: April 7, 2012

    I am all for gun rights for many reasons, practically and philosophically. But this incident raises some serious questions about responsibility and carrying a gun. This might be a stretch, but people who practice martial arts train with the intent of never needing to use extreme force. If you are forced to engage and use your skills, you aren’t trained to use your most devastating maneuvers. You demonstrate your skills with the intent of making the opponent back off. I haven’t taken a CCW class, but I wonder if non lethal shots are stressed over kill shots. From what I understand, one bullet to the knee will neutralize anyone, immobilize them and subject them to an extreme amount of pain.

  17. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: April 8, 2012

    10 black kids were shot down by a black (some ones sons)while 1 black in a hoodie is killed by a white where was Mr Jackson and Al Sharpton on all the black on black crime??

  18. biggerpicture says - Posted: April 8, 2012

    “TRY THIS FACT ON- NBC was forced to fire someone over the editing of the 911 call. It won’t stop there either.
    Any of you know that?”

    Joe, I think that is fairly common knowledge over the last couple of days. And the key word in your sentence was “Fired”. NBC took the correct action against this rogue individual, which is much more than can be said for your friends in the “Blame stream media” such as Fox and others who never even acknowledge when they blatantly misrepresent OR obscure the facts!

  19. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 8, 2012


    It took tens of thousands of people contacting the board of NBC outraged over the situation to get an investigation, tens of thousands of more to get it to the firing point.



    The way you liftists look at things to me is bass ackwards. It is in many ways the foundation of the decline.

  20. U Stripum Joe says - Posted: April 8, 2012

    The way you liftists look at things to me is bass ackwards. It is in many ways the foundation of the decline.”

    First you blame another poster for deflection, then you participate in doing just that! At least you are consistent by living by the rule of “Do as I say, not as I do”!

    P.S. is a LIFTIST a liberal dude that works at a ski resort?

  21. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 8, 2012

    Joe copy…

    ‘First you blame another poster for deflection’


    FOX NEWS? They didn’t alter the tapes? How do you put your brain on backwards dude?

    Let me say it again, with the right spelling.


    The issue in this case is that the leftist MSNBC and NBC and many other liberal news sources MANIPULATED the news to suit their agenda. Race baiting –
    and the sheeples, like you, soak it up.

    How can you justify that?

  22. U Stripum Joe says - Posted: April 8, 2012

    “How do you put your brain on backwards dude?
    Race baiting –
    and the sheeples, like you, soak it up.”

    When logic is out of reach Joe, ATTACK!

    P.S. So let me get this straight, you can use the word “Race”, yet when others use the word, in any context, you begin to froth at the mouth. Just another example of your “Do as I say, not as I do” mentality!

  23. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: April 8, 2012

    To JoeStirumup,
    I don’t usually get involved in the fray here between people commenting on Lake Tahoe News. But in my opinion you’re kind of pushing the envelope.

    I’m no spokesman for LTN. I’m just speaking for myself, but a little civilty would be greatly appreciated. I understand there are those on the left and the right that are a bit thin skinned but as the old saying goes “we can agree to disagree”. Just try to be a little more respectful of others.

    I’ve lived on the So. Shore for 50 years and I don’t like hearing my town being ridiculed by you or anyone else for that matter.

    Thank you, Old Long Skiis

  24. John says - Posted: April 8, 2012

    “To JoeStirumup,
    I don’t usually get involved in the fray here between people commenting on Lake Tahoe News. But in my opinion you’re kind of pushing the envelope.
    I’m no spokesman for LTN. I’m just speaking for myself, but a little civilty would be greatly appreciated. I understand there are those on the left and the right that are a bit thin skinned but as the old saying goes “we can agree to disagree”. Just try to be a little more respectful of others.
    I’ve lived on the So. Shore for 50 years and I don’t like hearing my town being ridiculed by you or anyone else for that matter.
    Thank you, Old Long Skiis”

    +1 minus the 50 year part, add in raising two kids here and despite problems think its a good place to raise a family.

  25. biggerpicture says - Posted: April 8, 2012

    Skiis and John, you both nailed it! Going on 30 years here, already raised one and in the process of raising another Barton baby, and as far as I’m concerned we live in THE FAIREST PLACE ON THE PLANET! Can’t even fathom living ANYWHERE else! I love the environment we live in AND the people we live amongst. I’ve always pointed out to my kids that they are growing up in a place that many of our visitors spend 50-51 weeks a year working to afford spending maybe a week here.

  26. Lisa says - Posted: April 8, 2012

    Joe, you are a very very angry person and I am sorry for whatever happened to you that makes you react to people this way. I hope you find some peace in your life.

  27. Hangs Ups From Way Back says - Posted: April 8, 2012

    I think the guy doing a good job psychology trepanation the whole bunch.

  28. orale says - Posted: April 9, 2012

    Please don’t feed the troll

  29. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 9, 2012

    In the America I knew a person was innocent until proven guilty.

    That is a foundation principle of our country. To abandon that principle is down right Un American.

    Unfortunately among many readers of this online news source the America of yesterday is gone, lost to the intolerance and hatred of liberalism.

  30. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: April 9, 2012

    shoot to kill or shoot to wound

    ask Charlie from Dick’s Fuller paint?

    ask yourself What would I do ?

    we will never know, what realy was happening in that fight

    the media just needs something to talk about

  31. Dogula says - Posted: April 9, 2012

    Joe is right on that. I burned myself out here on an earlier thread on the same subject. I was told that to defend Zimmerman was indefensible. My response was that the American judicial system is founded upon the idea that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and is deserving of a proper defense.
    I’m glad the Tahoe South bloggers are not in charge of MY destiny, but I will be somewhat concerned if I ever end up in court here with a jury of my peers.

  32. Dogula says - Posted: April 9, 2012

    P.S. @ Chief Slow: If you’d ever taken a gun or police course, you’d know that they teach that if you pull out your gun, you’d better intend to kill.
    If you try to wound you’ll probably miss and end up dead yourself. So that’s one of the choices you need to make before you ever decide to carry a gun; are you willing to kill rather than be killed?

  33. Kathy says - Posted: April 9, 2012

    Hey City of Angles got raided ,any news on it?

  34. biggerpicture says - Posted: April 9, 2012

    I think the question REALLY is when pulling out a gun, is: are you ready to kill OR possibly BE killed! Just having a gun in a gun fight doesn’t mean that you are the best shot, only means you MAY have a shot (or you may have a shot at being shot!).

  35. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: April 9, 2012

    thats why I said you should go and ask Charlie

    I also thought if the Bear is in your house, do you shoot him in the foot?

    if the Mountain Lion is chewing on your girlfriend, do you shoot him in the foot?

    if some crazed drug addict is beating the Hell out of you, do you shoot him in the foot

    if your in IHOP and the shooting starts and you have a gun, do you wet your pants?

  36. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 9, 2012

    slowroller, another few questions-

    When the race riots start breaking out do you blame the liberal media for ginning it up and propagating the misinformation?

    If someone kills Zimmerman for the bounty that the black panthers put on him ‘Dead or Alive’ can we arrest Eric Holder for dereliction of duty?

  37. biggerpicture says - Posted: April 9, 2012

    You boys left out one question.

    What if we as a GLOBAL society we became enlightened to the possibility of COEXISTENCE!?

  38. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 10, 2012

    picture, I like to stick with reality and real world goals.

  39. SmedleyButler says - Posted: April 10, 2012