Opinion: Arizona is wrong to mess with free speech


By Rachel Alexander

You and I may not use profanity in our Facebook posts, but what about that crazy relative who puts up the funniest posts that sometimes cross the line? Almost no one approves of swearing, but with the exception of broadcasting during daytime TV and radio, it is not illegal. Now new legislation in Arizona would effectively make swearing on the Internet a crime.

Sponsored by Democrats and liberal Republicans, Arizona House Bill 2549 passed both the House and Senate almost unanimously last week, and has gone back to the House for a minor change before being sent to Gov. Jan Brewer to sign. The relevant part states: “It is unlawful for any person, with intent to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy or offend, to use any electronic or digital device and use any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggest any lewd or lascivious act, or threaten to inflict physical harm to the person or property of any person.”

It expands Arizona anti-harassment laws beyond telephones and to the Internet. The problem with this is that one person specifically telephoning another person is not the same thing as an anonymous comment on the Internet. This kind of behavior goes on all the time on the Internet. Every day on political blogs and news sites, some commenters get a little out of hand, and most website editors handle the problem by stepping in and deleting the offensive comments or leaving a comment warning people to tame their comments.

Words like “annoy” and “offend” are vague and could be interpreted broadly to prevent someone from simply engaging in political debate. What one person considers profanity another might not. Is the word “sucks” a swear word? What about “b.s.?” Plenty of families find those acceptable, while others do not. Even anonymous commenters could be liable, if an Internet provider produces records tracing their IP address.

There is no way this legislation will survive a First Amendment challenge in court. The government cannot flat out ban all swear words, which is effectively what this legislation does in the Internet realm. The courts have already carefully decided when and under what circumstances the FCC may prohibit swear words on broadcast TV and radio, and even those restrictions are now being reconsidered. Consider all the swear words on TV and in movies. Then think of what a mammoth task it would be policing the entire Internet for swear words that reportedly annoy or offend someone, and to come up with the additional resources necessary to prosecute them. Anyone could get into a political debate with someone on a political website, use one swear word in their comments, and be considered violating the law. My own political website,, is technically full of violators. This is troubling since political debate is the bedrock of our country, Constitution and the First Amendment.

Political analysts are already predicting Republicans are going to lose Arizona legislative seats this election, and will lose at least one of the two Houses. Nanny state bills like this, where Republicans do not appear to be any different than Democrats, will do them in. Voters are not going to be happy when the state ends up spending thousands of dollars defending against a lawsuit everyone has predicted it will lose.

Media Coalition is leading the opposition to the bill, and hopefully the legislature will listen to reason and back down from this atrocious infringement on free speech. Opponents have created a mocking form to report these Internet crimes, and are calling upon Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer to veto it. One of the bill’s sponsors, Rep. Vic Williams (Tucson), a liberal Republican, defends it by calling his opponents “crackpots and conspiracy theorists.”

Internet trolls have become the scourge of the Internet. But just because we do not like someone else’s free speech does not mean it should be made illegal. That is what the core of the First Amendment is about. Internet trolls are to the Internet like TV advertisements are to watching television. If you do not like someone’s behavior towards you on the Internet, get a restraining order against them. I did. There are already laws in place against harassment and stalking. It is not necessary to add a duplicate layer of law that will result in the suppression of innocent political debate, and that will inevitably be used for political vendettas. It may be disguised as a nanny, but it is really Big Brother.

Rachel Alexander is the editor of the Intellectual Conservative.


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Comments (11)
  1. biggerpicture says - Posted: April 11, 2012

    Arizona, the place where it will soon be illegal to swear over the internet when you find out that you are pregnant two weeks prior to having sex/being inseminated! (second part of statement in reference to AZ HB 2036)

  2. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 11, 2012

    Them peski liberals are taking more of your rights away.

    Darn them libs!

  3. biggerpicture says - Posted: April 11, 2012

    Joe, when did Jan Brewer and many in the AZ legislature switch parties? We liberals seem to have a huge weight on our shoulders for being responsible EVERY SINGLE THING that has EVER gone wrong on the planet! We probably are responsible for every cosmic cataclysm also!

  4. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 11, 2012


    I didn’t mention parties, I never do. I am not a member of one. I am a conservative which is an ideology not a party.

    However Democrats tend to be liberal and to some extend Republicans tend to be conservative.

    If you read the article you would see this line.

    ‘Sponsored by Democrats and liberal Republicans’

    Liberalism has been the trend of this nation for the last 40 years as far as I am concerned and conservatives like myself have been warning of the effects that liberalism will have for just as long.

    Hello McFly…

    We are where we are because we have followed who we followed – it’s really simple to understand.

    Facts are facts, liberalism kills – Limbaugh has been reminding us of that since he got his radio show.

    Now as America dies is it not simple to understand that the conservatives predictions have come true?

    To me it is as plain to see as the nose on my face. It is hard to understand your inability to see it.

    I am not a member of a party I am a conservative, freedom loving American

  5. thing fish says - Posted: April 11, 2012

    The great Rush Limbaugh.
    “We are being told that we have to hope [Obama] succeeds, that we have to bend over, grab the ankles … because his father was black.”

    “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.” (directed at african american caller)

    The man also committed felony drug crimes after railing against drugs users for years.

    And he’s your hero. I doubt you are a rational person.

  6. dogwoman says - Posted: April 11, 2012

    ““Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.” (directed at african american caller)”

    Happened back in the ’70’s on a music radio show, not a talk show.
    I wonder what kind of mischief Obama was up to back in the ’70’s? I’ve seen a few interesting photos, but honestly, we don’t KNOW because he’s had all his records SEALED.
    The most transparent administration in history.

  7. SmedleyButler says - Posted: April 11, 2012

    I guess when you wake up in the morning, have a breakfast of Carnation Instant Delusion while watching the geniuses on foxNfriends, follow that with the 3 hrs. of hate from rush and cruise right into BillO the Clown and Hannity, you get to attain that alternate reality mindset it takes to be a republicon.

  8. Rick says - Posted: April 11, 2012

    Well dogwoman, I not sure if you actually read anything other than right wing bat…. crazy stuff, but you need to actually do a little unbiased research. You may not like Obama, fine that is your right. But his background has been pretty well documented. Obama went to a private collage prep school in Hawaii and grad in 1979. Then grad from Columbia with a BA in 1983, and Magna *** Laude from Harvard Law in 1991 – all very public and well known. A number of his classmates have talked about his time in school, right wing sites pretend that stuff does not exist, but it does. He worked for as a community organizer for a christian organization (8 Catholic parishes), taught at Chicago Law School for a number of years and so on. What have you done?

  9. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 11, 2012

    So back to the issue then… ok…

    Them peski liberals are taking more of your rights away.

    Darn them libs!

  10. SmedleyButler says - Posted: April 11, 2012

    Did you have Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs for brekkies too Joe? Your issue is the “bizzaro world” nonsense you believe. I don’t think supply side economics, unfunded wars of choice based on lies, the destruction of all middle-class worker gains and corporatocracy takeover of our country was a “liberal” idea. It was 100% reaganomics funded by the 1%.

  11. Rick says - Posted: April 11, 2012

    Back to the issue, Arizona is a wacky state. This bill should be defeated and I agree will not survive a court challenge.

    This is the same state where a bill (which just past the Senate) will consider to define conception as occurring from the women’s last menstrual cycle, two weeks or more prior to a women getting pregnant (or possibly even having sex). No Arizona is way off the chart. Rick