Opinion: Time for people to stand their ground against NRA


By E.J. Dionne Jr., Washington Post

It’s understandable if unfortunate that the controversy surrounding the killing of Trayvon Martin has polarized the country along both racial and ideological lines. But there is one issue that should not have any racial connotations: the urgency of repealing “Stand Your Ground” laws.

And leave it to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to speak the blunt truth about why these laws are dangerous — and why the National Rifle Association keeps pushing them anyway.

“In reality,” Bloomberg said in a speech before the National Press Club last week, “the NRA’s leaders weren’t interested in public safety. They were interested in promoting a culture where people take the law into their own hands and face no consequences for it. Let’s call that by its real name: vigilantism.”

On guns, Bloomberg is strong and everyone else is feckless, to paraphrase the late columnist Murray Kempton writing about an earlier mayor.

OK, not exactly everyone else. Bloomberg’s partners in the group Mayors Against Illegal Guns — notably Boston’s Mayor Tom Menino, the organization’s co-chair — have filled the void left in state legislatures, Congress and the White House by moderates, liberals and many conservatives who ought to know better but are too petrified by the NRA to confront it. Mayors face the daily toll taken by gun laws dictated by gun lobbyists and are less easily intimidated.

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Comments (61)
  1. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    If the liberal media, i.e. NBC, MSNBC and the George Soros funded group, Media Matters…hadn’t altered the facts, and distorted the news reports with the intention of using the situation to advance their liberal agenda there would have been far less controversy.

    It is so obvious what the main stream media is doing. All you have to do is use your brain.

  2. Dogula says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Right on Steve Kubby.
    Who supports gun control? Mao. Lenin. Hitler. Castro. Stalin.
    Who supports your right to bear arms? Washington. Jefferson. Madison. Hamilton.
    Who do you trust?

  3. earl zitts says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Heck, who needs the 2nd amendment and for that matter the rest of the Bill of Rights. Why stop here let’s get rid of the antiquated Constitution, after all, our President doesn’t think that much of it along with the rest of his party. The Declaration of Independence is kind of hokey and written by a bunch of rich european types so it has got to go also.
    Devoluition at its best. Good luck America, you’ll need it.

  4. Another X Local says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    I agree with Steve Kubby, Joe Stirumup & Dogula. And while we’re at it, Obama & his attack dog Holder are in the Marxist camp as well. Don’t forget that Holder was also involved under Janet Reno with sending Elian Gonzales back to Cuba where he is now a well-indoctrinated Party member. They are already ruling by executive decree & bypassing Congress on numerous matters. A disarmed population would make their lives easier.

  5. biggerpicture says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Another way to look at this is that those that pray to the NRA and the second amendment are nothing more than rubes being fed propaganda through the NRA by gun and munition manufacturers who can take those rubes zealotry right to the bank! Follow the money. Think about who REALLY would lose when it comes to gun control.

  6. Dogula says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Go ahead, insult the people instead of addressing the issue.
    I don’t know anyone who “prays to the NRA”. And calling the 2nd amendment propoganda shows everybody what your thought processes are.

  7. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 22, 2012


    Who prays to the NRA and the second amendment?

    Where do you get that?

    Don’t you think that is obnoxious & confrontational?

    It reminds me of a 10 year old bratty kid. That is how they talk.

    No substance – just bratty!

  8. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    You got it Dogola – people that talk like bigpicture are intellectually challenged on the issues so they jump to insults, it is so like a bratty punk kid on the playground not getting their way.

    We’ve become a nation of bratty children.

    It’s no wonder why things are declining.

  9. SmedleyButler says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence, the biggest anti-gun group in America, gave President Obama a grade of “F” for his positions on guns. I guess the fake fear, brought to you by the jokingly called “liberal media”, is enough for the mebaggers though. I heard that the Nuge, prominent voice of the NRA, has a compound in texas. Ya’ll would fit right in.

  10. biggerpicture says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Dog, we should visit your thought process because nowhere in my post did I call the second amendment propaganda. And yes there are many that approach gun ownership in our country with an almost religious fervor (hence my reference about praying to the NRA and the second amendment). And by denying that fact you show you walk through this world like many Americans wearing blinders to keep you from seeing the truths you disagree with.

  11. biggerpicture says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Joe, once again you blame others for something that you regularly use to belittle the opinons of those you disagree with. Verbal attacks and namecalling!

  12. Another X Local says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    To SmedleyButler – the “Brady Bunch” did give Obama an “F” but only because he didn’t immediately overturn the 2nd Amendment by decree & impose an outright ban all gun ownership immediately as they wanted. Instead, he keeps chipping away with the blessings of similar groups & Holder. Our founders of this country knew first hand the dangers of a dictatorship/monarchy & the 2nd Amendment was put in place to, in part, guard against that happening in the new country they established.

  13. biggerpicture says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Just an FYI. 74% of all money contributed to the NRA by “corporate sponsors” come from gun and ammo manufacturers. Follow the money!

  14. Justanothernut says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Current gun regulations do nothing to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals, and make it more and more difficult for law abiding citzens to own a gun, plain and simple..

  15. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 22, 2012


    YOU ARE WRONG, as usual.

    I point point out specifics, i point out ignorance – that is not name calling its a term that refers to a persons – or a groups level of knowledge.

    I call people liberal –


    That would be like you calling me conservative.

    If people think that being called a liberal is an insult than why are they liberal?

    Being called a conservative would not be an insult to me. It would be an accurate assessment of my position.

    People like you and smedley call people names. – names like teabaggers or “rubes”.

    THERE IS A VAST DIFFERENCE – and if you can not see it I would consider you intellectually challenged.

  16. Lisa says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    I go with Madison, Jefferson and Washington… everyone should have the unquestioned right to carry a musket or pistol that requires reloading after every shot!

  17. biggerpicture says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Justanothernut, I always hear that argument, but I’m curious to any statistics that actually back it up. I’m not making a judgement whether it is true or not, just want to know if it is factually proven or just the opinion of those that advocate less stringent gun laws.

  18. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Big Picture,

    Let me put it another way, if I called you a “stupid moron” – that would be name calling and I would consider it a childish thing for me to do.

    I might think you and smedley are a stupid morons but I would not be proud of myself if I were to call you a stupid moron…

    On the other hand to call you an ignorant liberal is an assessment of your political position and level of knowledge.

    Don’t you see the difference?

  19. TahoeKaren says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Criminals, by definition, are not allowed to own firearms. When was the last time a criminal adhered to the law? Law abiding citizens should have the right to own legal firearms.

    I own firearms not to fight against my government, but to ensure I will not have to. (Borrowed from a gun enthusiasts forum)

  20. Justanothernut says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Here are the facts with out googling hard numbers etc.

    A criminal will break the law and find a gun.

    A law abiding citzen will not break the law to illegally obtain a weapon.

    Take the two weeks ago when my wife tried to buy a rifle at walmart in Carson City, because her NV drivers license did not have her PHYSICAL address.. only mailing, they would not sell her the rifle. If we were criminals would we be at Walmart giving them ss#’s Dl#’s etc? No.. We would be out buying an illegal firearm from the streets.

  21. Justanothernut says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Well put Tahoe Karen.

  22. Lisa says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Joe…you called any one with his opinions “mentally challenged” and “bratty kids”…

    Perhaps erudite, but pretty much name calling to me.

  23. biggerpicture says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Arguing with the village idiot gets us nowhere!

    Joe, nowhere in my above statement did I refer to YOU as being the village idiot, so by your own pretzel logic I too remain above the fray!

    Don’t you see the difference?

  24. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 22, 2012


    Point of clarification, I say it “reminds me of a bratty kid” …

    Because it does.

    That is how bratty kids act, is it not?

    Especially the most recent generational crops, spoiled bratty kids.

    Many people are of the opinion that many adults today have been very poorly brought up; poorly educated and self centered to a level of narcissistic. I’ll go as far as to say that many people think that is a central point to the decline in civility and our nations decline in general.

    We are a nation of give-me give-mes. Where does that come from?

  25. Teatotal says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Some people say that non-stop buffoonery can break the sound barrier causing sonic booms of stupidity.

  26. Lisa says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    “I’ll go as far as to say that many people think that is a central point to the decline in civility and our nations decline in general. ”

    And what part of calling someone who doesn’t think like you “intellectually challenged” and “acting like a bratty kid” is civil?

  27. Lisa says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    I alsofind it funny when people refer to Washington, Madison and Jefferson and pro gun as if they would never have thought of the issue differently in this era of semi-automatic rifles. They were very forward thinking men of their time who loved to learn new things and think deeply about issues. Two of the four mentioned also owned (and in the case of Jefferson had a family with) slaves. They were not gods and were not infallible. They believed in a well armed militia, not so sure they would approve the personal ownership of the guns we have today.

  28. hmmm.... says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    ok you right wingers…take your blood pressure meds and get a napkin cause you’re gonna start foaming at the mouth…how many crimes with handguns are committed by law abiding citizens who WERE NOT CRIMINALS before they shot their ‘ex’, or played road-rage roulette, or snapped because of __________(fill in the blank), or a neighbor kid walking back from the store? perhaps a psychological stress/competency evaluation would filter out some of these loose cannons. present company excluded, of course ;)

  29. hmmm.... says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    @tahoe karen-” When was the last time a criminal adhered to the law?” Seriously?There are many laws on the legislative books. ‘Criminals’ adhere to ‘the law’ more often than they don’t. If I jaywalk, I am a criminal. Does this mean that I break all laws? Do you know anyone who has ever cheated on their taxes? Littered? Belched in church? Criminals all.

  30. Dogula says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    The only foam I see being flung is by the anti-constitutionalists here.
    If you don’t like guns, don’t get one. My Constitution allows me to KEEP and BEAR arms. It doesn’t specify what kind. It doesn’t allow the feds to tell me when or where. One hopes that people would use common sense when handling firearms, but as we can see from many of these posts, common sense is not so common. People do stupid things and hurt themselves or others all the time. There are lots of people I don’t think should drive cars or operate heavy machinery. But that’s not my call.

  31. sandsconnect says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Think we are all missing the bigger picture here; some idiot wanna be cop went out on neighborhood watch patrol with a loaded gun and shot a teenage boy. The NRA can find a better posterboy.

    Say what you want about gun control but the NRA is one of many groups protecting the constution not minipulating it.

  32. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 22, 2012


    … did you miss the part where the neighborhood watch guy?

    Or did you just follow the lies from the left wing media???

    Why is the aspect that he was a teenager significant anyway.

    Was he caring a sign that said I am just a kid …

    When I was young we were taught to respect adults not attack them.

    From the news I heard he attacked the neighborhood watch guy… not the other way around.

    I also think that if you don’t want to be considered a thug, don’t act and dress like one. Do you libs think that I am wrong about that too?

  33. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Opps – I over edited that one above – Please remove it


    … did you miss the part where the kid attacked the neighborhood watch guy?

    Or did you just follow the lies from the left wing media???

    Why is the aspect that he was a teenager significant anyway.

    Was he caring a sign that said I am just a kid …

    When I was young we were taught to respect adults not attack them.

    From the news I heard he attacked the neighborhood watch guy… not the other way around.

    I also think that if you don’t want to be considered a thug, don’t act and dress like one. Do you libs think that I am wrong about that too?

  34. Lisa says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Joe… did you miss the part where the rules of the neighborhood watch program specifically says not to carry a gun. I wear zip up sweats with a hood..guess I am a thug and just where in the thug manual does it describe going to the store for snacks as thug like behavior… guess I am a thug twice over.

    And Dogula… you forgot to add the the constitutions says that the reason you can bear arms is so that there will be a well regulated militia… can you tell me which militia you are a member of? You can’t just quote half and call it a whole.

  35. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 22, 2012


    You seem very unaware of the young thug culture in America.

    Is that what it is?

    Or are you just a flat out deceitful liar?

    Help me understand what your problem is.

  36. biggerpicture says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Lisa, I always have to laugh when those that pray to the NRA and the second amendment (and are ALSO self professed constitutional experts)(which reminds me of those folk who feel that if they scream the loudest proclaiming their superior level of patriotism it is therefore true) fail to include the actual context gun ownership applied to AT THAT TIME in our history as a nation (which you pointed out).

  37. SmedleyButler says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Lisa, The rath of Joestirumoron should be worn as a badge of honor.~

  38. GaryP says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Don’t pray to the NRA, pay the NRA. I just sent $120 to the NRA 2nd Amendment Task Force.

  39. hmmm.... says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    how dare we try to apply context to our spouted opinions? dogula…do you own land? if so, you must be an anti-constitutionalist. i don’t think women were allowed to own land in 1787. nor were they allowed to vote. oh, you vote? you anticonstitutionalist rebel you. not sure how you can survive the liberal contradictions. as for joe s-man it must be hard being so angry all the time.

  40. hmmm.... says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    reading through….joe, please tell us what qualifies you as an expert in young thug-ism. and tell me…a stranger accosts you while you are walking here in america; he has no badge, he has no uniform on, gets all up and in your constitutionally protected face…you’re going to believe he’s who he says he is…you’re going to comply? riiiggghhhttt….i thought you have guns to protect yourself from that. Your logic reminds me of that of a bratty 10 year old….wow, where DID i find that shoe….it appears to fit the foot in your mouth.

  41. Ted Long says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Our founding fathers were very bright guys, yet they did not have crystal balls. At the time of the bill of rights everyone had a musket and we were fighting for our independence with muskets against muskets. Think about it, at the time it seemed like a needed right, to bear arms to keep the government from running over use. Well folks times have changed, do you really think you rifle can go up against the modern army? You have to be kidding. The only thing a right to bear arms guarantees today is the ability to shot innocent animals and each other. I know if you ban guns only the criminals will have them, not so, if we banned guns and stop the market and began to collect guns on the street logic tells us that in time, like old cars, they would be gone. At least we stop flooding the market. The new, if you will, guarantee of freedom is elections, let’s get to a 100% turn out, the best way to keep the government in check.

  42. Dogula says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Just a question for “hmmmm”.
    Where in the Constitution does is say that a woman may not own property?

  43. Dogula says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Oh, and you can add Ted Long to that list of ambitious politicians who want to disarm the citizenry that I posted above.
    Who do you trust?

  44. sandsconnect says - Posted: April 22, 2012


    I support a right to bear arms, just not chasing people down and shooting them after a 911 operator tells you to not pursue any further. All I am saying is this case does not present a very good case for the NRA and perhaps they should distance themselves from this loser. If you had also read my post (assuming you can read and someone didn’t read it to you) you might have noticed i gave kudos to the NRA for protecting this right.

    Sorry I watch the left wing media, I also watch fox news (I watch and read alot of news each day!) but they only report on democrats sucking so I need to get my news from other sorces that at least give information on what is going on in the world. That is the problem with you neoconservatives you think what is reported on fox is actually what is going on in the world today!

    Assuming you get all your news from Hannity let me fill you in a couple of things: dinosaurs walked the planet before humans, women have the right to vote and it’s illegal to run around your neighborhood at night pursuing and shooting teenagers.

    Stay tuned for updates…

  45. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Yes, being agree about the lies and deceit from the leftists is difficult, the duplicity of the main-stream media, the dishonor of people like Harry Reid and Nancy Polosie and most especially the President, everyone knows he lies. Yet the media let’s the him blame Bush and call the Tea Party Conservatives the haters. It is maddening.
    Then you hear from politicians like Ted Long that have it all wrong!

    The founding fathers DID NOT TRUST GOVERNMENT – Where did you go to School, FOOL?

    Did they mention the revolution and our forefathers standing up to tyranny?
    DID YOU MISS THAT DAY? YOU ARE SCARY DUDE! Lots of people will come out against you!

  46. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    That should say “being angry” about the lies from leftists… Sorry – the anger clouds my eyes sometimes …

  47. thing fish says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Hi Joe. Have you put in more thought on how local artists and musicians ruined the town and economy? We are all very interested in this matter.

  48. SmedleyButler says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    The mindless loop of redundant wingnut stupidity is a relentless negative force on the cosmos.

  49. Dogula says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Arguing with lefties is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around like it’s victorious.–Anonymous

  50. SmedleyButler says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Why do you never see a dead pigeon or a baby pigeon? I think it’s because they’re teabaggers from another planet that invented foxnooze and hate radio.

  51. TahoeKaren says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Can we please ask Smedley to play nice with others???

  52. SmedleyButler says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    reality bites?

  53. SmedleyButler says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    I’m out knuckledraggers. Home gun accidents are on the rise. thankfully.

  54. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    I don’t watch Fox and I don’t belong to the NRA. I support “stand your ground laws” and have a CCW permit. It is my right as a American to own a gun and protect myself from others. If I am threatened and cannot difuse the situation through talking down the assailant (as I have done in a road rage incident) I will protect myself from injury or death as the police cannot be everywhere when they need to be.

  55. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    55 responses! Nothing has changed, people still feel very strongly about guns/gun rights.

  56. dogwoman says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    I carry a gun because a policeman is too heavy.

  57. snoheather says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Love your guns!!! They are awesome!!! Follow the pack!!! I’m sooo safe with my gun!!! Thank you god for the ability to abolish anyone whom I disagree with!!!

  58. dogwoman says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    So much for rational discussion.

  59. JoeStirumup says - Posted: April 23, 2012

    The price of freedom is often times measured in the degree of individual responsibility.

    I would rather live in a community of well-armed responsible citizens with less need for police than in a police state where citizens are treated like the enemy by an excessive police force.

  60. admin says - Posted: April 23, 2012

    Yes, I know what STFU means. But I apparently have a life, unlike some of you incessant commenters and so I’ve been doing other things besides reading your dribble as you post it. And, really, I don’t care what you have to say about LTN after this. But after this comment is posted, I’m going to hit spam on several of your comments. That means they go away and so will you.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher