O’Rourke looking at job in Washington; Medford off the table


By Mark Morey, Yakima Herald-Republic

YAKIMA, Wash. — A last-minute withdrawal won’t disrupt Yakima’s search for a city manager.

The City Council on Tuesday quickly moved to slot in another candidate after assistant administrator Marianna Marysheva-Martinez of Mammoth Lakes withdrew late Monday.

Tony O'Rourke

Replacing her as a finalist is Anthony O’Rourke, manager of South Lake Tahoe, since 2010. He started his local government career as a community development director in Isla Vista, Calif., in 1977, according to his resume.

Yakima Mayor Micah Cawley said O’Rourke had been under consideration by the council previously, but he opted not to join the final process announced earlier this month because he was already talking with another city. When that deal in Medford, Ore., did not come together, O’Rourke said he would be available to interview with Yakima, Cawley said.

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Comments (15)
  1. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: April 25, 2012

    Guess I didn’t realize that Mr. O’Rourke is just like a career politician. He is a government employee who isn’t elected just hired by politicians and paid with taxpayer money. I wonder if the Founding Fathers envisioned civil servents in perpetuity.

  2. Good Riddance says - Posted: April 25, 2012

    Thanks for nothing, Tony. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

  3. Hurray says - Posted: April 25, 2012

    This is the best news SLT has had in years! We should all take up a collection to “donate” to Yakima if they’d be willing to guarantee he never comes back to the Basin.

  4. fortyyearlocal says - Posted: April 25, 2012

    South Lake Tahoe’s gain, Yakima’s loss. My condolences to them.

  5. Another X Local says - Posted: April 26, 2012

    Hey, folks – he’s not GONE yet. When is the Council going to see that this jerk really doesn’t want to be at SLT & fire him? He’s mis-using City resources to fund his job search. Or did they write such an insane contract with him that he also get a whopping severance package when he leaves?

  6. Jm says - Posted: April 26, 2012

    Why is our city manager giving press releases on his job seeking activities anyway? Seems very odd – his recent behavior in the press is coming across to me as having “narcissistic” and according to the Mayo Clinic may include the following:
    -Believing that you’re better than others
    -Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
    -Exaggerating your achievements or talents
    -Expecting constant praise and admiration
    -Believing that you’re special and acting accordingly
    -Failing to recognize other people’s emotions and feelings
    -Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans
    -Taking advantage of others
    -Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior
    -Being jealous of others
    -Believing that others are jealous of you
    -Trouble keeping healthy relationships
    -Setting unrealistic goals
    -Being easily hurt and rejected
    -Having a fragile self-esteem
    -Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional

    I have never met or worked with Tony, but thought if he reads this, he may realize that if he is indeed narcissistic, he may need to seek professional help in treatment (I work with a narcissistic person now and trust me, it is exhausting).

    My opinion is that these type of stories are embarrassing to me as a South Tahoe Community Member and I wish that our leaders would just behave PROFESSIONALLY at all times & do their jobs to the fullest!


  7. Parker says - Posted: April 26, 2012

    Does Mr. O’Rourke have some secret photos of the City Council
    we don’t know about? Why, with his such blatant desire to leave, are they afraid to get rid of him?

  8. Tahoan says - Posted: April 26, 2012

    Yep insane serverance – hear it is 9 months.

  9. dryclean says - Posted: April 26, 2012

    Seems that alot of people are asking questions and many are upset. A statement from the city council or Mayor addressing people’s concerns would seem to be appropriate here. Why can’t they or one of them just communicate rather than sitting on their hands.

  10. Parker says - Posted: April 26, 2012

    Yes Tahoan, have found out that there is a 9 month! severance due if they fire him. So this Council is stuck with bad decisions made by a previous (though with a couple of the same members) Council!

  11. Another X Local says - Posted: April 26, 2012

    Too bad they won’t try to harass him into quitting like they’ve done with other City employees in the past. After all, the Council doesn’t consider this “creating a hostile workplace”.

  12. Bob says - Posted: April 26, 2012

    Looks like all applying for the job in Yakima have limited time at their current jobs. There has to be a good local available for the next CM job.

  13. Parker says - Posted: April 26, 2012

    I guess I shouldn’t complain about O’Rourke’s 9 month buyout. I’m sure that since he was hired in a period of declining revenue, it’s less of a buyout than his predecessor had.

    Oh hold it, Jinkens only (only!) had a 6 month buyout. Shrewd negotiating, whoever did that!

  14. Steve says - Posted: April 26, 2012

    Parker… it was for the children.

  15. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: April 27, 2012

    I believe that Councilmember Cole’s and Grego’s terms on the City Council end in December 2012. I would highly recommend that eligible individuals unhappy with the City Council’s decision-making and management of SLT run for one of those two seats. Many people complain that it’s frequently the same people who serve on the City Council and are critical of those who are currently serving and this is the time for individuals wanting changes to begin sharing their suggestions on how they’d “fix” the City and offer the voting public a chance to vote for you and your ideas.