S. Tahoe council fails to deliver city manager’s review

By Kathryn Reed

South Lake Tahoe City Manager Tony O’Rourke says he has asked for a copy of his review, but that Mayor Claire Fortier said he wouldn’t see it until May 1.

The review is now nine months overdue. O’Rourke told Lake Tahoe News he is used to annual reviews.

His review has been on the City Council’s closed session agenda since last fall. This is a common practice for elected bodies to have items as a placeholder so they can talk about the person in the top role without violating the Brown Act.

Tony O'Rourke

Lake Tahoe News on Tuesday sent the five councilmembers an email asking about O’Rourke’s review. Only Councilwoman Angela Swanson responded.

“Employee reviews are confidential and can’t be discussed in specific. Tony’s performance as city manager has exceeded council’s expectations. He made the tough calls for us; tackling a deficit, implementing a staff reorganization and addressing health care and pension issues among other accomplishments in these past 15 months,” Swanson wrote to Lake Tahoe News. “I expect Tony to continue giving 110 percent to the job until he leaves. We have a strong senior staff prepared to continue the city’s business.”

While O’Rourke is looking for other jobs, he said, “I’ve made it clear to them I’m not in a rush. I could be up to a year.”

O’Rourke’s three-year contract expires in August 2013.

He said it is important to him to be reviewed on a regular basis and welcomes what the council will have to say. O’Rourke also said based on what the city has just gone through he would never expect an increase in pay.