South Lake Tahoe pot club abruptly closes its doors

South Lake Tahoe is down to two medical marijuana dispensaries.

City of Angels 2 closed Sunday night.

“I’m afraid of the feds,” owner Gino DiMatteo told Lake Tahoe News as he stood in front of the shop on Third Street.

City of Angels 2 pot club in South Lake Tahoe is closed. Photo/LTN

The professionally made sign plastered on the front door says the same thing. “Closed until further notice; Fear of feds; Nothing of value on premises” is what the sign says.

The word has not got out to all clients because people were approaching the business Monday night.

DiMatteo said he is not sure if this is a permanent decision.

He is upset he isn’t able to get people the medicine they need.

DiMatteo would not elaborate on what led to this decision. He said he has not received any notification from the feds; that this decision was his and that he was not raided; nor did he say his landlord told him to move out.

Landlords at the three South Tahoe dispensaries have received letters from the U.S. Attorney’s Office saying their property could be confiscated in addition to other penalties if they continue to allow medicinal marijuana to be sold.

— Kathryn Reed