Sage grouse endangered listing moving forward
By Jim Sanford, Reno Gazette-Journal
An Endangered Species Act listing for the sage grouse “would make the spotted owl listing pale in comparison.”
There is a chance Nevada, through a habitat recovery program and other efforts, can prevent Endangered Species Act listings for the state’s two distinct sage grouse population segments.
But should those efforts prove unsuccessful, all Nevadans – including Clark County residents–will be paying for that listing for a long time.
Those were all comments offered last week by Nevada Department of Wildlife Director Ken Mayer in addressing what is becoming a huge concern for Nevada.
Commenting on the pending U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service September 2013 ESA determination date for the Bi-State sage grouse listing and the September 2015 potential listing for the more-prevalent Range wide Greater Sage Grouse species, Mayer said this week, “The listing may affect central and northern Nevada more, but Clark County residents will be paying right along with everybody else.”
“There is a chance we can succeed (in preventing the listing),” Mayer added. “I am convinced there is ample time to address the 2015 Greater sage grouse decision because a hell of a lot of things are being done. With the Bi-State, I think we do have time as well. It is more questionable whether we will make it with the Bi-State or not.”