Some El Dorado County officials want to change the name of South Lake Tahoe’s Lakeview Commons? What name do you like?


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Comments (35)
  1. skihound says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    Lakeview Commons!

  2. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    How about El Dorado Beach? And whats with this lame “Tahoe South”?

  3. biggerpicture says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    El Dorado Beach is what I’ve always known it as. I think this whole “Re-branding” thing goes a bit overboard at times. And Lake Tahoe NV hasn’t stuck either, it’s still Stateline NV to me.

  4. TahoClimbr says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    Re-branding is ridiculous. We need real change, not gimmicks. Keep calling it Lakeview Commons, and leave us as South Lake Tahoe!

  5. hmmm... says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    based on what I’ve seen….how about ‘throw your cigarette butts in the trash beach’?

  6. Local says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    I like the name offered by the Washo. No one but the locals will be able to pronounce it :) However, for the 40 years I’ve lived her the locals have mispronounced Regan beach which was named for a local and mispronounced by the president’s name instead.

  7. Brendan says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    Tahoe South Commons

  8. earl zitts says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    Whatever name is chosen please make it prononuncable with common spelling.

  9. jenny says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    How about Lakeview Amphitheater or Lakeview Beach? (isn’t the idea to have a platform for concerts with the stepped seating?)

    When I hear Lakeview Commons, the word Commons conjures up an image of a beach between condominiums. The Washoe name would be difficult to spell & pronounce.

  10. Jeffy says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    Let’s leave it to the Washoe to name. In the end I am guessing we Euro-Americans will only tenants be here.

  11. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    ElDorado Beach

    Commons Beach is in Tahoe City has been for a long time

  12. sunriser2 says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    El Dorado beach. If someone gets to rename it the choice should go to the group who donated the land.

    We need to stop wasting time and money on BS catch phrases and logoes.

    Still pissed at the Washoe about the Cave Rock BS.

  13. Tahoan says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    El Dorado Beach or the Washoe name

  14. Alex Campbell says - Posted: April 18, 2012


  15. Old School says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    The name Tahnu Leweh means “The People’s Place” in Washoe. This follows Geotourism and Prosperity Plan and would be a great expression of Tahoe’s heritage.

  16. Steve says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    El Dorado Beach. There is no need to unnecessarily change the name or the dozens of years of maps that have already been printed and widely distributed.

    Move on to things that are more productive and a wiser use of taxpayers’ resources.

  17. Paula says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    Since the campground and lakeview commons are all part of the plan, I suggest El Dorado Beach for the beach side and Tahnu Lewah for the next stage? If the whole area becomes as popular and well used as I hope it becomes, we’ll need areas known so people know where to go for meeting, events, etc.

    El Dorado Beach for the beach and boat ramp. Lakeview Commons for the street level on the lake side and Tahnu Lewah for the gathering area between Hwy 50 and into the campground toward the Rec Center.

    That way we’re all happy!

  18. Carol says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    El Dorado Beach is what we’ve always called it.

  19. Bob says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    Washoe Park

  20. Frank says - Posted: April 18, 2012

    Lakeview Commons is the name, what’s behind or who is behind a new name for what reason. None. Keep it what it is Lakeview Commons

  21. Laura says - Posted: April 19, 2012

    How about Washoe Commons, Bob? A compromise.

  22. Sheri says - Posted: April 20, 2012

    I’d vote for either El Dorado Beach, which has worked for years and everyone knows it as such or Lakeview Beach which also seems like a great name as it describes the view at the location along with the street name of it’s location.

  23. Centerion says - Posted: April 20, 2012

    Please remind me why we care what El Dorado County (Placerville) wants to name it? As I recall Lakeview Commons was choosen early on and agreed to by South Lake Tahoe people. Leave it alone, the name has already been selected and we are beyond that.

  24. Cathy says - Posted: April 20, 2012

    El Dorado County owns all that land on both sides of the highway. The city leases it.

  25. Ej says - Posted: April 20, 2012

    ElDorado Beach leave it alone!

  26. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: April 21, 2012

    How about dog patch

  27. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: April 21, 2012

    Always was and always will be “El Dorado Beach”

  28. MtnChick says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    How about…Tourist Land…considering those are the people who use it.

    It is very beautiful now that they rebuilt the area I just wish the tourist would be a bit more wise when in the area…i.e. use cross walks and don’t park in the middle of the road to take pictures.

  29. lauri says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    I support the name the washoe offered it – tahnu lehweh

  30. 30 yrs in says - Posted: April 22, 2012

    Leave it ALONE. Does any local call Sierra Ski Ranch Sierra-At-Tahoe?

  31. Michael Lee says - Posted: April 24, 2012

    El dorado beach! Commons beach is in tahoe city. By the way THEY HAVE killer music events there.

  32. Ty says - Posted: April 24, 2012

    I think that people in South Lake Tahoe need to show that our community has respect for the area we live in and respect and appreciate the people who were here first. “All the people’s place” is such a great name because many people recreate at this beach and with the new 7.5 million dollars invested in improvements, I think a name change would provide a fresh, new feel along with the rebuilt area. It is not too much to ask for, but would be a big step forward in blending and embracing all cultures in South Lake Tahoe.

  33. Lake Tahoe's Alive says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    Eldorado Beach. Keep it Alive and Local and Clean!

    Lets Inspire people to keep the beach and water clean in this area. It’s going to be a Great Summer!!!

  34. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    last night I counted the plants and bushes at ElDorado Beach 550

    in 20 years the view will be eliminated

    you can’t teach vision

  35. Tahoan says - Posted: May 17, 2012

    Agree with the Chief, what was once a great grassy place to read, BBQ, and watch the water is now all plants, concrete and dirt.