Walking fitness challenge to begin in May

During the month of May, Tahoe Forest Health System is offering a free monthlong walking fitness challenge — 10,000 Steps a Day for the Month of May.

All Truckee-North Lake Tahoe residents are welcome to join as individuals or as a team.

Call the Tahoe Center for Health and Sports Performance at (530) 587.3769 to register. Participants may purchase pedometers at the center.

Participants receive weekly health and fitness tips; entry into a weekly raffle for turning in step totals, and a grand prize is awarded to the most improved, and other prizes.

The benefits of walking 10,000 steps a day are significant. They include weight and body fat loss; a decrease in hip circumference; an increase in HDL (good) cholesterol and a lower body mass index (BMI). The 10,000 steps don’t have to be performed on a track or trail. They can include shuffling back and forth from your desk to the copier or the coffee machine as well as a hurried sprint to catch the bus or even your toddler.

For more information, email tchsp@tfhd.com or call (530) 587.3769.