1,188 — South Lake Tahoe sets a Guinness cycling record
By Kathryn Reed
South Lake Tahoe is headed for the Guinness Book of World Records because 1,188 bicyclists rode in a single file on Thursday afternoon.
This broke the record of 916 cyclists who did the same thing in Davis.

More than 1,000 cyclists wait to be counted May 17 as they set a world record for the most number of riders in a single file. Photos/Kathryn Reed
Paperwork needs to be reviewed by the Guinness folks, along with the video of the riders, so it’s not official until organizers hear back from London.
“It was way more thank I expected,” Mark Cutright told Lake Tahoe News as he watched the cyclists roll through the official counting station near the senior center.
He said about 1,200 tags were printed out that were attached to handlebars. To be counted, a cyclist had to ride through the counting station. Kids in carriers were not counted – just the adult doing the work. Nor were the dogs in carriers and baskets counted.
The Slow Rollers bicycle group put on the event. Cutright credits Steve Barker for coming up with the idea. The city participated by giving a police, fire and ambulance escort. Cutright did the legwork of getting the permits to allow for a lane of traffic to be dedicated to the cyclists from the Y to the senior center parking lot.
Joanne King of South Lake Tahoe was riding through when the record was broken, while it was Jeremy Jensen who was the last rider.
When the fire truck sounded its horn at 4:20pm May 17, the cyclists gathered in the soon to be T.J. Maxx parking lot whooped it up.
Bob Harms with his 18 horns – one even from Brazil – and four dingers had already been adding to the festivities before any pedaling began.
Besides being an event to set a record, it was a costume parade. It was a bit remarkable the footwear people could pedal in – from sandals to cowboy boots to heels.
Goofy hats and helmets that were decorated filled the mass. Full costume suits from bears to Tigger to a bumblebee were on two wheels.
However, some bikes came with three wheels, and at least one was a unicycle. With all the shapes and sizes of bikes, it was a bit like a museum. Bill Yale was on a Coker from the early 1970s.
It was a slow ride – living up to the organizer’s name – as it took about an hour for the first cyclist to reach MontBleu.
(Click on photos to enlarge.)
RIGHT ON!!! Go South Lake Tahoe! Slow rollers, nice job!
It was so much fun to be part of this “world record” cycling group. A community comes together – again. Thanks to Mark and his crew.
SO VERY, VERY, PROUD – Leave it to Tahoe – no matter what – we are the best!!
So AWESOME!!! I wish I could have been 1189!!!
Way to go!
thanks to all you folks who attended the Parade
and thanks to all the business’s who donated to put the Parade on
our town realy does have the Spirit
I hope they don’t do this next year its an in convince to locals.
josh, the glass is half full…one hour in a shoulder season?? Have some fun!
It was a lot of fun to be a part of this.
@ Josh — I think most people in this were locals.
So much fun to be part of the Spirit Ride and (hopefully) record breaking experience.
Josh .. Next year why don’t you participate and join the fun? You don’t know what you’re missing!! Curious though. Since you’re speaking for us locals, how exactly were we inconvenienced?
I couldn’t ride but wanted to rush towards the Y to see the line of cyclists….it was so cool seeing the celebration! All along my drive route there were groups of cyclists waiting to join the line, people sitting on the sides watching, people next to me driving that were filming,honking and waving. Yes, it was tough going back the other way with traffic, but whats a few extra minutes?
Only suggestion: see if Cal Trans can lend one of those electronic signs that says whats ahead, and plant it between 3rd st and the factory stores…uniformed people would then know whats ahead and many could take alternate routes if they so desire.
We were onlookers, in the parking lot across from TDT. What fun to see the costumes, various types of bikes, and visit with other onlookers. People from Pennsylvania came and asked “What’s going on?” A good reason for a CalTrns sign telling others what it was all about. It was a great day, perfect weather and a great community effort.
Good job on your article, Kae..
Congratulations to everyone who participated and to those who put the event together. Watching the parade go by was a lot of fun!
I was so glad to be able to participate with some of my employees and relatives in this awesome community event! Kudo’s to Mark Cutright, Ernie Bishop and their entire group who did a fantastic job of organizing this event. South Lake PD and Fire Department kept it all together too. It was so nice to see all the kids participating with their parents, the costumes and everyone so excited to see the line of bikes as we all passed by. We will certainly participate again next year! Great Community Spirit!!
awesome! I’m amazed at the great turnout. How fun! Good job South Lake Tahoe!
Way to go, Tahoe! Were it not for the 9-5 routine we could have added a few more to the count. Sure looked like a lot of fun.
I agree with thirty year local. I Was trapped at the y stop light sucked.
now we just get the same people to VOTE!
sunriser…Just a point, I didn’t say the traffic “sucked” …I actually didn’t mind the extra time as I knew what it was for. Just thought a sign enlightening all as to what it was would be a suggestion for next time.
Kudos to all who organized this, and to all that rode. I’m not going to schedule any clients during the parade time next year and make sure I’m in it!
This Is what we need more of!!! LOCALS AND VISITORS having fun seeing the town in a slow,fun mode!!! I hate my bike but I loved seeing soo many happy people. So you had to give a little driving, so what. Do what Tahoe used to be for kick back and enjoy the time of it.
It was such a fun way to see our town come together…..families, pets, babies they were all there!! Great spirit and unity. Thanks to the PD for all the traffic control at intersections and the organizers for a great local experience!!!