85% containment in Topaz Fire

The Topaz Ranch Estates Fire has not grown beyond the 7,500 acres.

Containment is at 85 percent, with full containment expected May 27.

The fire started May 22 when a residential control burn had not been properly extinguished. Officials also said the resident did not have the proper permits for the fire.

Nineteen structures have burned to the ground, includes two houses.

Helicopters, cooler weather and precipitation on Friday helped firefighters gain on the blaze.

The fire remains on the mountain side, west of Smith Valley residences and northwest of Wellington. The fire is about three-quarters of a mile west of Taylor Hill and a mile north of Highway 208.

No injuries have been reported. The cost for fighting the fire to date is estimated to be $2.5 million.

 — Lake Tahoe News staff report